Things to Look Forward to at This Year’s DevOps World

It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again, but DevOps World 2021 is quickly approaching! This year’s conference is going back to virtual on September 28-30 and is filled with exciting sessions, speakers, and networking opportunities for every member of the DevOps community.

Last year, we had attendees “show us their world” as they attended (for the first time ever) DevOps World from thousands of locations across the globe. This year, we’re going back to the future (if you’ve seen any of our promotions on social media, you’ll know what I mean!). We’ll be focusing on how we can build the future of software delivery together through security, CI/CD, scalability, and DevOps best practices.

A Frank Discussion With Your Manager About Why You Need to Go to DevOps World | Jenkins World 2019

Do you work in sales? If you’re part of a team in a DevOps environment, your answer is an immediate “no.” As an engineer, testing professional, or operations leader, you are performing technical tasks that help move high-quality software through the pipeline and out into production.

Still, let’s face it, part of all of our jobs is selling something to somebody. You may have to coax a teammate to approach coding a certain feature in a different way than they had planned or convince them to run one last QA test for you...again. You certainly also face situations when you have to sell your boss that an idea you came up with might just help the team do a better job on an important task.

DevOps Radio: Taking a DevOps Journey Without Making Enemies

What does a DevOps transformation look like at a hardware company? That's the questions Harald Gottlicher, software architect at Bosch, answers in Episode 47 of DevOps Radio. Harald and host Brian Dawson dive right into the specifics of the process the team at Bosch underwent and the problems solved by implementing continuous integration/continuous delivery.

While Harald still feels the company is somewhere between Dev and Ops, utilizing DevOps processes has allowed Bosch to improve the legacy process with changes to a single build update to break down monolithic releases. (This was much easier than building and rebuilding these systems that were over one million files and 30 gigabytes!) Harald explains that as a result of moving processes towards continuous delivery (CD), Bosch has seen increased productivity, faster development cycles, and quicker feedback, setting the stage to impact the customer and the business.

DevOps Radio: State of DevOps Needs the Cloud, True Commitment [Podcast]

Host Andre Pino returns to the DevOps Radio mic to talk to Dr. Nicole Forsgren, CEO and Chief Scientist at DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA), during DevOps World | Jenkins World. Nicole brings strong developer content and amazing energy to the latest episode as she shares key stats from the 2018 Accelerate State of DevOps Report (of which CloudBees was a leading sponsor).

Before diving into the report, Dr. Forsgren describes her career path, from her start as a software engineer and acquiring her PhD, to joining Gene Kim and Jez Humble — both former Jenkins World keynotes and DevOps Radio alumnus — to launch DORA. The trio set out with the goal of sharing knowledge as a way for everyone to get better and to know what's possible when it comes to a DevOps transformation, which they've accomplished with the report, now in its fifth year.