5 DevOps Tools To Add to Your Stack in 2022

DevOps has fundamentally changed the way software is developed. It has further paved the way for creating faster, flexible, and more collaborative development and delivery processes. Thus, new and exciting DevOps tools emerge each year to improve existing workflows or introduce new functionality to the DevOps process. In this article, let’s have a look at five DevOps tools you can add to your tech stack in 2022.


Modern workloads are becoming more complex than ever. Therefore, these workloads need to be distributed in different environments from the cloud, on-premise, and edge, depending on the requirement. Managing multiple different environments has become commonplace, with multi-cloud being a popular option to distribute workloads while maintaining flexibility. However, it will add increased management overhead to the DevOps process. Anthos aims to solve this issue by providing a unified platform to manage applications in on-premises, edge, and multi-cloud platforms.

Are You Following These Jenkins Best Practices?

The need for seamless collaboration has driven us closer to the best possible orchestration tools around, specifically Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Delivery (CD) tools. Amongst all the competition, Jenkins has emerged with a unanimous popular vote! In fact, it is so popular that it is the go-to DevOps automation tool for many software development teams.

If you want to get good results from this popular DevOps tool, you need to follow the best practices. With that in mind, we want to share some of Jenkins best practices.

How To Setup a CI/CD Pipeline With Kubernetes 2020

How to Setup a CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes 2020

When it comes to DevOps, the word that clicks in mind is CI/CD pipeline. Let's have a look at Definition of CI/CD pipeline:

CI is straightforward and stands for continuous integration, a practice that focuses on making preparing a release easier. But CD can either mean continuous delivery or continuous deployment and while those two practices have a lot in common, they also have a significant difference that can have critical consequences for a business.

Live Tech Talk and Demo: Getting Started with DevOps on Snowflake [Webinar Sign-up]

The benefits of building a DevOps culture in software companies are clear. DevOps practices integrate once-siloed teams across the software development lifecycle, from Dev to QA to Ops, resulting in both faster innovation and improved product quality. As a result, most software development teams have deployed tools to enable DevOps practices across their workflow. 

The topic of database DevOps is trending right now and most Snowflake customers are asking about it, especially those who want to build a modern data platform in the cloud. But actually doing DevOps for a database environment is difficult and has some unique challenges compared with doing DevOps for applications.

Considerations Before Moving to DevOps Solutions

With digital transformation, there is a vital need to maintain businesses that function at top speeds and with improved agility. This has resulted in DevOps growing swiftly and becoming essential to many companies in pursuit of a feasible advantage. Although DevOps provides compelling business benefits, many organizations strive to gain from DevOps implementations due to ambiguity about how to consider them.

Many believe that DevOps challenges traditional IT thinking with an absence of standard approaches and significance, its continuous evolution, and its need for identification and management of risk. This unclear objected state has caused many IT businesses to delay in bringing DevOps strategies.

What is DevOps Lifecycle and How to Manage Yours

From conceptualization to deployment, the process of developing software applications or web applications is complex. By going through several intricate phases of development, a web application or software is tested on multiple levels before being proceeded into production. 

In most cases, software application development becomes time-consuming due to its specifications and complexities. In order to deliver the application in a short span of time, software developers are following a universal set of practices called the DevOps lifecycle.

7 DevOps Toolchain Orchestration Solutions You May Not Know

The role of communication transparency between teams is such a big challenge in application development. Most of the teams in an organization were independent for a very long time. It meant that the development team, business analysts’ team, and QAs and operations worked far from each other.

Companies suffered a lot in delivering results. There were longer app delivery cycles that delayed most of the operations. Anyone in the business realm should be able to understand what this means. There was just not  enough product innovation. As if that was not enough, response to market needs was just unsatisfactory.

Effective Jira Test Case Management

Delivering the best quality software is the end game for any software project. And for the sake of that, you need test repeatedly. This should specifically be the case in organizations practicing DevOps. However, there are several organizations that lack the tools in order to manage the test properly. This is especially common for Jira users to track development related issues. Due to Jira’s lack of built-in testing functionality, Jira test case management has to be manually aligned

Before diving deeper let us quickly go through what Jira testing is and why it has created a buzz.

Most Popular DevOps Tools You Must Learn In 2019

These tools are foundational to any DevOps transformation.

DevOps isn't just a technology or tool or language, but a culture that stresses utilizing different devices, computerization, close coordinated effort, and synchronization in order to help the association in this way profiting the total programming advancement to sending process. In this blog, we will find out about different DevOps tools.

You may also enjoy:  5 DevOps Tools You Should Know In 2019

DevOps is fundamentally an acceleration from customary programming advancement models by utilizing cloud innovations, automation, and institutionalization. Wealth of DevOps devices and spread instructional exercises may make disarray around DevOps tools. DevOps Online Training Certification Course will help you to understand and execution of the following tools.

The Top 10 New Web UI Testing Tools Everyone’s Talking About

Here's a lineup of the most highly rated web UI tools.

At least a dozen brand new UI test automation tools have surfaced in the last few years. Since every tool has its own focus and strategy, it can be hard to know where to start. Looking for more guidance? Check out the top new UI testing tools below.

As any UI tester could contest, UI testing is relatively straightforward, as long as nothing in your GUI changes, but the problem is...things change all the time. Depending on the solution you’ve chosen for UI testing, changing conditions can either be a revolutionary experience with self-healing and AI locators, or an abysmal failure of convoluted manual workflows.

Writing About DevOps [Prompts]

If you're having trouble thinking of DevOps writing topics, let us supply your aha moment.

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of cloud prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

What is DevOps? An Intersection of Culture, Processes and Tools

There's a lot to be said about the culture of collaboration in DevOps.

Back in the day, system administrators had mastered the art of avoiding software developers and rejecting system changes, unless they were perfect. People said that when developers had their worst nightmares, they dreamt of a spooky unshaved admin yelling at them because of some quirky bug in their code. There were even rumors of software so refined and polished that it has never been rolled out, since operations engineers were afraid it had become too pure for us, mere mortals.

When Uncle Bob with his fellow developers formulated Agile manifesto, it was clear as day that this situation was about to change. Their aim was to stimulate better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. And that they did. The statements created at the Lodge in Utah, like "individuals and interactions over processes and tools" or "responding to change over following a plan" formed the basis for a lightweight software development movement that grew up into DevOps revolution a decade later.

DevOps and Automation: The Azure License Tool

This new tool wants to help you manage your Azure licenses


Managing an Azure DevOps license with a global enterprise organization could be a real challenge.

Usually, the global organization is operating in many cities and different countries with hundreds of projects and maybe hundreds of thousands of engineers who keep joining new projects or rolling-off from many others every day.

DevOps Tools for Monitoring

What's in your walle- I mean, toolbox?

DevOps has been a hot topic for many years, but it's still common for organizations to feel overwhelmed by the complexity of automating their entire infrastructure and to get hung up on which tools to use.

An integrated set of DevOps tools for monitoring has the power to improve visibility and productivity, achieve higher-performing systems, and establish cross-functional collaboration. The right toolset is more than the tools themselves — it’s about developing the culture, discipline, and practices that come to define your product/service and your workplace.

Top CISOs Share Steps to Prioritize DevOps Tools and Cloud

Editor's Note: Part 2 of a 5 Part series on securing DevOps environments based on insights from Global 1,000 Chief Information Security Officers in the CISO View report.

  1. Transform the security team into DevOps partners
  2. Prioritize securing DevOps tools and infrastructure
  3. Establish enterprise requirements for securing secrets and credentials
  4. Adapt processes for application testing
  5. Evaluate the results

The power of the DevOps toolchain and their associated privileged accounts and secrets make them a top priority for security teams, along with protecting the development and production environments themselves. In The CISO View — Protecting Privileged Access in DevOps and Cloud Environments, published earlier this year, our panel of expert CISOs weighed in on their experiences securing key tools and infrastructure to help their organizations achieve successful DevOps outcomes and progress on their digital transformation journeys.

DevSecOps Additional Considerations

To understand the current and future state of DevSecOps, we gathered insights from 29 IT professionals in 27 companies. We asked them, "What have I failed to ask you that we need to consider with regards to implementing DevSecOps Trend Report?" Here's what they told us:


  • The DevSecOps term is kind of funny, but I believe it should just be DevOps with security built in. If security is not built into DevOps, DevOps is failing.
  • I really don’t love the name. I would call it DevOps and say security is part of both the Dev and Ops domain. If we keep putting every responsibility people should do in the name, we’ll run out of room for the hashtag. #DevSecITSMTestAutomationMonitoringObservabilityPeopleFinanceMarketingQAOps.


  • Just like DevOps, think of DevSecOps as a culture shift first with the tools and processes next. Start with the security professionals to embrace automation to move at the pace of DevOps.
  • One final thought: tools don’t make DevSecOps. It’s a shift in behavior and mindset. The journey will be different for each organization based on cultural momentum. Collaboration is becoming even more important. That will create natural friction because of differences in opinion. Accept that as part of the change that will be necessary to inject security into DevOps.
  • When organizations are thinking about how they deliver software to their customers, it’s important for all developers to remember that they are in the business of delivering value to the business and the customer. Delivering secure code without vulnerabilities is one of the most valuable things they can do to be more valuable. Everything matters. You assume the apps on your phone are secure.
  • It may seem obvious that the reason development teams should care about DevSecOps is because they want (or should want) more secure software released quickly and with fewer blockers and hassles, resulting in a better working relationship with their security organization. But prioritizing DevSecOps might help development organizations with another goal — adoption of DevOps in the first place. Security and compliance requirements are often mandatory and well-defined, making the first steps of workflow automation clear to implement. Shifting security “left” might be an effective forcing function for an organization-wide adoption of basic DevOps practices, justifying the time and tool investments and making further iterations simpler. In that way, DevSecOps might actually be a shortcut to a broad and consistent DevOps practice.
  • The cultural aspect of DevSecOps is crucial. Discussions focused on security tools and how to apply those tools is important, however, it’s worth stressing that collaboration, shared responsibility and common KPIs needs to become a bigger focus to ensure teams implement DevSecOps successfully. Special emphasis also needs to be paid to thinking about which DevSecOps team structure works for your organization. Embedded security engineers, security trained Developers or cross-functional teams are all valid approaches to team formation. The same DevSecOps shoe does not fit everyone and it is important to think about what will provide the most benefit in your organizational and technology culture.
  • The most important takeaway is that DevSecOps is going to become mainstream and that solutions exist already to facilitate and enable companies to embark on this journey. Organizations must do their due diligence and pick a vendor that provides a comprehensive offering instead of building something that is outside of and detracts from their core business. Regardless of the approach, take this seriously, formulate a practical plan and execute it one step at a time.


  • 1) If you’re not confident in your own security group there are a lot of companies with expertise in security and the security pipeline, so rent it and bring it in. Bring forward security in your own pipeline and mature your current security group to form a cross-functional product team. Use outside resources to help. 2) If you have a CI pipeline and haven’t implemented a code scanner yet, you need to do that tomorrow!
  • It’s interesting to look at how tools can help this process. Tools can be important in keeping a process sustainable on a team. The same way you think about CI/CD is how you should think about security. Implementing a tool to analyze security can be a great addition to DevSecOps. The more you can automate the tedious or repetitive elements of the security n to the SDLC the more they will stick with the process and not hinder productivity.
  • How to implement tools. The c-level and how they get involved. Changing the culture starts at the top. Others in the organization start to feel DevSecOps is important. People need to understand what security means in their day to day roles and responsibilities.


  • This is a great story. I can’t emphasize enough that time, resources (+expertise) and money are critical in delivering true DSO. This is not academic — this is the reality.
  • Don’t get overconfident. There is value in traditional security. Don’t forget about your IAM set up. Don’t forget the fundamentals.
  • Help developers differentiate the signal from the noise. At KubeCon, there were three or four different service mesh technologies. How to choose the right technology. Help developers understand the difference. Get war stories about what does and doesn’t. Show your DevOps trump card.
  • Using technology helping to secure the data and integrity that leverages blockchain.
  • Node has become popular, the open source supply chain for the code will become more fragile. Really understanding your code supply chain will be critically important. Just because something is intangible doesn’t mean you don’t need to understand where it comes from. We have not seen the full impact of insecure code. The other thing any time a new project hits the PMO office, the security team is tightly aligned with the product management office to get visibility sooner rather than later and helps get the security team involved earlier.
  • There is huge potential in the area of infrastructure security and security considerations for Operations teams when monitoring products that can be discussed in more detail. Also, how AI and ML can help identify issues before they happen based on patterns is a very important part of the DevSecOps journey, that could be discussed in further detail.
  • Benefits of consistency and best practices for developers, CI/CD, and operations.
  • 1) We often see companies adopting DevOps processes to deliver new code fast and they find success right away. However, proving compliance/security in an everything-as-code world isn’t easy, because the people with security expertise simply are not coders. 2) The more DevSecOps teams can show their work to the rest of the business, the easier it will be to comply with internal and external regulation. There will be fewer manual walk-throughs and compliance hurdles down the road, too.
  • Perhaps the more important question you did not ask: Where is regulatory compliance headed next?

Here's who provided their insights: