Secure and Scalable CI/CD Pipeline With AWS

According to Gartner, a leading research company, worldwide public cloud revenue will grow by 17.3 percent in 2019. Total spending on IT infrastructure products (server, enterprise storage, and Ethernet switches) for deployment in cloud environments is projected to attain a 10.9% year-over-year growth rate, reaching $52.3 billion this year. Application of cloud services is growing rapidly every year than the rest of the IT. Large-scale and highly-elastic applications built on any cloud managed services come with a requirement of automatic validation, infrastructure upgrading, development and deployment, quality assurance and infrastructure administration. Traditional infrastructure management is being replaced by building CI/CD pipelines for all phases of the product development life cycle.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a union of software development and operations. It is a culture that the company evolves from the Agile development process. The new method of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment have come with the rise of DevOps that focuses on:

Is Your Test Data Waiting on Your DevOps Team?

Is there anything more frustrating than to be stuck waiting? Regardless of what you are waiting for, it’s not a good place to be. According to the 2018-2019 World Quality Report (WQR) published by Capgemini, “…the lack of test environments and data is the number-one challenge in applying testing to Agile development." That means a lot of waiting and a lot of frustration.

Businesses need applications, enhancements, and fixes to be deployed at a velocity never before seen. Once the domain of small, nimble start-ups, even the largest of the large IT shops are getting in on the DevOps act, all for the promise of speed-of-delivery. As more and more organizations implement DevOps and CI/CD processes in order to keep pace with business demands, these issues are becoming more acute.

DevOps Radio: Taking a DevOps Journey Without Making Enemies

What does a DevOps transformation look like at a hardware company? That's the questions Harald Gottlicher, software architect at Bosch, answers in Episode 47 of DevOps Radio. Harald and host Brian Dawson dive right into the specifics of the process the team at Bosch underwent and the problems solved by implementing continuous integration/continuous delivery.

While Harald still feels the company is somewhere between Dev and Ops, utilizing DevOps processes has allowed Bosch to improve the legacy process with changes to a single build update to break down monolithic releases. (This was much easier than building and rebuilding these systems that were over one million files and 30 gigabytes!) Harald explains that as a result of moving processes towards continuous delivery (CD), Bosch has seen increased productivity, faster development cycles, and quicker feedback, setting the stage to impact the customer and the business.