5 Keys to Successfully Implement Team Topologies in Your Organization

Effective software teams are essential for any organization to deliver value continuously and sustainably. But this effectiveness is, oftentimes, hard to attain. 

In their book “Team Topologies,” Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais present a “practical, step-by-step adaptive model for organization design and team interaction, where team structures and communication pathways are able to evolve together with technological and organizational maturity.”

What Are The Key Challenges a Platform Team Experiences?

With the increased reliance on various technologies for software development, both software and hardware need to grow along with those technologies to provide reliable and secure services. However, this need has led to creating more complex solutions than ever. Thus, the importance of robust infrastructure has come to the forefront to deliver these solutions reliably at a global scale. Due to these facts, the platform team has to face different challenges to provide and maintain this infrastructure without affecting the software development lifecycle (SDLC) or end-users.

What Is a Platform Team?

We have Dev for development, QA for testing, and likewise, the platform team for managing the infrastructure of an organization. This infrastructure includes both internal SDLC resources like CI/CD pipelines, staging/testing environments, production resources, and in most cases, managing software deployments. The platform team will handle most operational aspects of an SDLC. They are the key component that manages most of DevOps tools and platforms, bringing the full benefits of DevOps.

DevOps Maturity Model: Trends and Best Practices in Today’s World

Innovation is critical to driving an organization's growth. Once leaders in their industries, companies like Nokia, Kodak, and Blockbuster failed to innovate and soon lost most market share.

Consumers want quicker, better, and more affordable solutions to their problems. You should have systems in place to launch your products in the market as soon as possible — without compromising the quality.

[DZone Research] The Architecture of a DevOps Team

This article is part of the Key Research Findings from the 2019 DZone Guide to DevOps: Implementing Cultural Change.


Despite the prominence of DevOps in the software industry, less than half of respondents (46%) told us that their organization has an officially designated DevOps team. This lack of an official DevOps team in many organizations manifests itself in the unequal distribution of code deployments. Whereas in DevOps, development and operations teams are meant to work cooperatively to create and release code, 57% of respondents reported that only development teams perform code deployments in their organization. 42% reported this as an operations function, and 32% told us that release engineers handle code deployments. Despite these trends, 54% reported management as a DevOps enabler.