What to Avoid When Considering DevOps Transformation

DevOps isn’t a new concept — it has been in the market for over a decade now. Companies have realized the benefits of adopting DevOps. While businesses are considering DevOps integral for agile development, they are still facing challenges in fully leveraging its capabilities.

Major DevOps Benefits

  • Reduced costs
  • Greater competencies
  • Better communication and cooperation opportunities
  • Fast and innovative development cycle

State of DevOps report by Puppet found that high performing DevOps teams could deploy code 100 times faster, fail three times less and recover 24 times faster than low performing teams.

DevOps Guide – Implementing four-eyes principle with process automation tooling

With great power comes great responsibility.

More and more organisations are moving towards a DevOps based organisational model, putting more and more responsibility into the hands of the teams delivering software. As part of that change - and the need due to the markets moving faster and faster - more and more organisations are investing into means to release more milestones into production faster. Therefore one of the main goals within these organisations is to automate, audit, secure and ensure correct repeatability of actions.

What is DevOps? An Intersection of Culture, Processes and Tools

There's a lot to be said about the culture of collaboration in DevOps.

Back in the day, system administrators had mastered the art of avoiding software developers and rejecting system changes, unless they were perfect. People said that when developers had their worst nightmares, they dreamt of a spooky unshaved admin yelling at them because of some quirky bug in their code. There were even rumors of software so refined and polished that it has never been rolled out, since operations engineers were afraid it had become too pure for us, mere mortals.

When Uncle Bob with his fellow developers formulated Agile manifesto, it was clear as day that this situation was about to change. Their aim was to stimulate better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. And that they did. The statements created at the Lodge in Utah, like "individuals and interactions over processes and tools" or "responding to change over following a plan" formed the basis for a lightweight software development movement that grew up into DevOps revolution a decade later.

Why Practice 3: Integrate Continuously

Once we define what we want and build the smallest increment, we want to integrate it into our system as soon as possible so that we can see it working and get a true measure of our progress.

Continuous integration is at the very heart of every Agile project and so I wanted to introduce it as early as possible. To me, it's the third central pillar of agile software development. Continuous integration means having a fully automated build that not only compiles and runs a system but also fully tests it without the need for any human intervention.