DevOps Guide – Implementing four-eyes principle with process automation tooling

With great power comes great responsibility.

More and more organisations are moving towards a DevOps based organisational model, putting more and more responsibility into the hands of the teams delivering software. As part of that change - and the need due to the markets moving faster and faster - more and more organisations are investing into means to release more milestones into production faster. Therefore one of the main goals within these organisations is to automate, audit, secure and ensure correct repeatability of actions.

Why Mobile Needs Its Own DevOps

Developing for mobile has unique challenges, and therefore, it requires an approach that differs from traditional DevOps methods. Here are four of the main reasons why developing for mobile is different — compared to developing web applications — and some of the ways in which incorporating a unique set of practices, collectively referred to as Mobile DevOps, can help app companies tackle these specific challenges.

Mobile Apps Require Faster Iterations

When it comes to mobile app iterations, speed is everything: there is a strong correlation between the frequency of updates and the rating in the app stores. The more agile the approach, the faster and more iterative the code release process becomes. 

The Four Pillars of Mobile DevOps Strategy

Originally published April 16, 2020

Recently, mobile DevOps has been a topic that pops up throughout organizations as people outside of mobile development are increasingly aware of the differences between mobile and traditional DevOps. As the need for adoption of processes specific to mobile development grows, technology leadership is looking for goals and metrics that make sense. Even though these will obviously vary from company to company or even from project to project, we can characterize four key components that will deliver results.