DevOps Maturity Model: Trends and Best Practices in Today’s World

Innovation is critical to driving an organization's growth. Once leaders in their industries, companies like Nokia, Kodak, and Blockbuster failed to innovate and soon lost most market share.

Consumers want quicker, better, and more affordable solutions to their problems. You should have systems in place to launch your products in the market as soon as possible — without compromising the quality.

Tips on Using DevOps Maturity Assessments to Manage Change

For many IT organizations, the digital transformation trend has spurred continuous changes in how to approach developing software systems that meet ever-evolving business needs. One of the more common efforts is the switch to Agile methods, which often segues into DevOps.

This path makes perfect sense since collaboration between development and operations teams often results in faster iterations and improvement of product features in comparison to conventional software development models.

5 Characteristics of a DevOps Organization

As consultant (or a new member in a devops team), what are your telltale signs of a “DevOps” organization? Do share them in comments section. Below are my top 5.

Product based teams over component teams:

Autonomous and cross skilled teams are key to deliver and maintain products. An organization structure which is based on knowledge silos (such as dev, qa, ops) is bound to create multiple handovers and thereby increase waste and risk of things going wrong. In a mature Devops organization, you will typically find organization structures based on the products/services they offer.