How to Successfully Implement DevOps Techniques Into Your Project

Any innovation should start with a solid business case, and DevOps is not an exception. Why should businesses invest in the changes needed to implement DevOps? In this article, we will answer this question and discuss how to effectively implement DevOps methods in a project.

Setting the Stage for DevOps Implementation

IT technologies have a huge impact on the development of modern businesses. These changes are described in detail in Why Software Is Eating The World by Marc Andreessen. It's not hard to cite a few examples of tech startups that have already made a significant contribution or even changed the entire industry. For this purpose, one can simply look at the radical changes in the retail, transportation, and hospitality industries, which were caused by software innovations from companies such as Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb.

Drive Continuous Delivery (CD) on Kubernetes With GitOps

In software engineering, there’s always a new technology that everyone’s talking about:

  • Way back when everything started (around 2006), it was cloud computing.
  • In 2015, it was Kubernetes 1.0.
  • Next, everyone wanted to jump on the boat known as GitOps, which was first publicized by Weaveworks in 2017 in a blog by Alexis Richardson (Co-founder and CEO of Weaveworks, and chairman of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)).
  • Most recently, on April 7, 2020, the CNCF TOC voted to accept the Argo Project (a set of Kubernetes-native tools for running and managing jobs and applications on Kubernetes) as an incubation-level hosted project. Part of the Argo Project is Argo CD, which provides support for declarative GitOps-based deployment of any Kubernetes resource.

At nClouds, we care about GitOps because we strive to use the latest and greatest technologies where they help our clients deliver innovation faster. It’s one of our core values at nClouds: Innovation culture that delivers client value. And we’re using Argo CD, a GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

Unified Agile-DevOps Transformation Model, Framework and Executable Roadmap for Large Organizations


Agile-DevOps transformation and Continuous Delivery became the leading topic and highest priority for senior leadership, stakeholders, teams and customers alike. Agile-DevOps transformation is a fundamental change to the organization's culture, structure, people, and business/technical paradigms towards the next level of agility. It relies on Lean values and principles, and brings the highest level of collaboration, productivity, quality, flexibility and efficiency, cutting-edge technology, and competitive edge to your organization.

While some organizations succeed in their transformations, others fail. Agile-DevOps transformation can be ambiguous, disrupting, misdirecting, and even harmful if executed without the right guidance or led by the wrong people. Transformations primarily fail for two reasons. The first is the lack of a common vision, strategic approach and unified transformation model, framework, and roadmap that inhibits the agreement between change agents, leading to the inability to arrive at a single voice on how to orchestrate and implement change. The other is the agents’ limited knowledge and expertise or a tendency to follow on a previous success path regardless of the organization's uniqueness.