A Quick Guide Through UFW: Uncomplicated Firewall

UFW, short for Uncomplicated Firewall, is basically a simplified firewall mechanism that is implemented upon IPtables itself, making it much easier to configure UFW than to configure IPtables. Therefore, it can be said that UFW is technically a program for managing a netfilter firewall which aims to provide an easy to use interface for the user.

The Need for UFW: Uncomplicated Firewall

Consider a situation where protocols like ssh, ftp, etc., which if left open for everyone and anyone to connect, might result in a massive security breach by the attackers or malicious users. Hence, this originated the need for a firewall. Firewall is useful to us in a way, that it allows us the remote access to the system but in a limited fashion. A simple example would be, firewall can allow certain ports to be left open to only a few IP addresses to limit security breach and also allowing connections to only a trusted device.

Using CodeShip With CodeDeploy

What is CodeShip?

CodeShip is a hosted continuous delivery service that focuses on speed, simplicity, and reliability. It is a fast and secure hosted CI service that scales as per users' needs. CodeShip was founded in 2011, and pretty soon it became one of the best Saas Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery leaders in the market.

CodeShip is now backed by a larger company with extensive customer support: CloudBees. CloudBees Inc, the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, acquired CodeShip on February 6, 2018.

An Introduction to SSH – Secure Shell

What Is SSH?

SSH is a network protocol that allows a secure connection between different computers. SSH protocol also referred to as Secure Shell, provides many functionalities like,

  • Strong connection and security
  • Strong authentication
  • Maintains connection integrity
  • Strong encryption.

In general, there are different ways of logging in to a remote machine,

A Word on ‘Docker Buildx’

What is Docker Buildx?

Docker Buildx can be defined as a CLI plugin that provides us with the extra features supported by the Moby BuildKit builder toolkit along with the features of the normal docker commands. Furthermore, it also provides us with the same user experience as building with the docker build command.

Also, along with some new extra features added over it like building against multiple nodes with multi-arch images concurrently, builder instances, etc. In addition to that, buildx also supports new features that are not yet available for regular docker build like building manifest lists, distributed caching, etc.

Understanding Docker Concepts

Hey guys,

As a fresher, I faced a lot of challenges understanding docker concepts like how docker containers work and what they actually are. But as I grew and practiced Docker and its concepts I understood their actual meaning and how they form and how they actually are managed. Through this above video, I have tried my level best to give it a try to make you guys understand what docker container actually means and some basic docker command to shoot. Please avoid the audio quality as I made the entire video with minimum equipment. 

9 Essential Blogs Every Tester Should Follow in 2020

Here's where you need to go to get software testing knowledge in 2020.

2020 is almost here, and it’s time for QA professionals to make new resolutions to improve their testing process. We all understand how software testing has evolved in the last few years. From automating cross-browser testing to real-time testing of web apps with Selenium, a lot of changes have come to the testing process. Though some innovations and technologies made it easy for QA professionals to test their web app, some challenges even made the testing process more complicated than earlier.

You may also enjoy:  The 6 Essential QA Blogs to Read in 2019

Thus, QAs need to keep up with the new trends in the web development sector, and they should take help from blogs and articles published by industry professionals to improve their expertise and make the testing process more efficient and effective.