Best Practices for a Successful DevOps Transformation

In this competitive world, every organization is moving towards digital transformation. To stay ahead of the competition businesses are trying to improve their existing IT infrastructure, methodologies, welcoming new technology and software development approaches. To be successful in achieving all of this, organizations depend a lot on how inclined they are towards adopting best practices for a successful DevOps transformation. 

This shift to DevOps implementation makes organizations capable of faster quality releases with lesser performance issues. This shift cannot be taken lightly and should be based on thorough research on the organization’s cultural foundation on which it is built because every company’s journey is different. So, to take this plunge, one must adopt the following DevOps best practices for a successful DevOps transformation.

Role of Continuous Monitoring in DevOps Pipeline


Technology is constantly evolving, and to beat the competition, the teams must push the software updates to the production environment as quickly as possible. To get a faster response to such changing customer needs, organizations are switching to DevOps. It is critical to monitor each phase of the DevOps pipeline and to identify any compliance or security issues that might hinder the production of quality output. Continuous Monitoring in DevOps takes the responsibility of watching over all the stages in the pipeline and constantly monitoring any unforeseen threats.

What Is Continuous Monitoring in DevOps?

It is an automated process that helps DevOps teams in the early detection of compliance issues that occur at different stages of the DevOps process. As the number of applications deployed on the cloud grows, the IT security team must adopt various security software solutions to mitigate the security threats while maintaining privacy and security. Continuous Monitoring in DevOps is also called Continuous Control Monitoring (CCM). It is not restricted to just DevOps but also covers any area that requires attention. It provides necessary data sufficient to make decisions by enabling easy tracking and rapid error detection. It provides feedback on things going wrong, allowing teams to analyze and take timely actions to rectify problematic areas. It is easily achievable using good Continuous Monitoring tools that are flexible across different environments – whether on-premise, in the cloud, or across containerized ecosystems – to watch over every system all the time.

How to Improve Value Stream Performance with Automation

There are many ways an organization practicing DevOps can capture value with a software product or service. These range from giving it amazing features to providing troubleshooting tips and instant in-built support when a software system malfunctions.

DevOps brings development and operations teams together to deliver maximum value in the shortest time possible. As this string of activities eventually benefits the customer, they can be considered a value stream.

Top 30+ DevOps Interview Questions

Total DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

DevOps is the offspring of agile software development that has been increasingly attracting attention from large enterprises such as Google, Facebook, or Amazon. Advancements in agile software development also exposed the need for more promising DevOps-related jobs.

Whether you are applying for a DevOps engineer, analyst, or specialist, besides professional skill sets required, a well-prepared DevOps job interview plays a fundamental role in successfully breaking into the industry. 

DevOps Automation: How to Apply Automation Into Your Software Delivery Process

It seems that nowadays, DevOps can mean many different things. As a DevOps expert at OutSystems, whenever I’m asked what this practice is all about, I like to say that it’s a way to deliver value faster to your end-users. More than a skill, a job role, or a tool, DevOps is a culture-shifting paradigm.

It’s about speeding up the flow of delivering software changes to your production environments and amplifying the feedback loops in your delivery pipeline so that you can catch problems early on during your development stage and act upon them quickly. This is why you always see practices like CI/CD and test automation closely associated with DevOps.

The Edge of Test Automation: DevTestOps and DevSecOps

Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge.

The state of software development is evolving rapidly as software developers and testers have started moving to DevOps. In the beginning, organizations used to have a simple process for development and operations, but now users demand a more enhanced and improved experience with every product, which requires proper testing, security, data, AI, and more.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide  to  Jenkins Job Builder

Although the documentation for Jenkins Job Builder is very detailed, the step-by-step guide with examples for them is somehow missing. This was the main motivation for me to write this blog. 


  1. Pip
  2. Git
  3. An up-and-running Jenkins instance

Setting Up Jenkins Job Builder

Here, we will be walking through the steps needed for using the Jenkins Job Builder.