10 Tips to Improve Automated Performance Testing Within CI Pipelines (Part 2)

Take a look at this second set of CI/CD tips.

The following is part two of our three-part series, "10 Tips to Improve Automated Performance Testing within CI Pipelines." This week's installment focus is on tips 3-6: keeping tests small and targeted, testing of segments before the whole, automating things that are not flaky, and saving time through smoke testing.

Why DevOps and Security Should Go Hand in Hand?

Organizations across the world are excited to make a cultural change or shift and adapt to DevOps as early as possible. While everybody is just talking about how fast they can practice this approach, they forget about the security aspect involved with this change. DevOps might initially involve that needed change in the culture, but as it embeds across the organization, it requires more scrutiny at each phase and has to be taken seriously. Shifting security to the left can help organizations to be more secure and do well in the future.

The customer is the king, and the market has numerous alternatives these days, more choices and more power to consumers. The ultimate goal of any firm whether product/service based should be to deliver quality and continuously make sure the customer info/data is secure. In the software development field, the Continuous Delivery of software is supported by build and deployment automation commonly called a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipeline.
The CICD pipeline makes it possible to employ rapid changes daily to address customer needs and demands. The CI/CD pipeline can be automated as well, and hence Security has to be a design constraint these days. Thinking security right from the beginning requires security to be built into software instead of being bolted on, Security is no more an add-on.