Testing in DevOps – The Basic and Critical Things You Need to Know

Testing plays a significant role in analyzing the quality and reliability of developed code. A minor issue with code quality can lead to severe project failure and lead to your project teetering. Because of its importance, many DevOps teams have started testing earlier in the cycle – not just at the end of development or after QA has had their final go-through before deployment.

Statista says that DevOps adoption reached a whopping 62% in CI/CD workflows and 60% under development environments. With more industries upgrading to the latest technologies, we are witnessing a diverse level of adoption among business enterprises.

When DevOps Meets Software Development — A Perfect Pair

Being an owner of a software development company, you need to know each and every update of the fact that it is important for your customer’s satisfaction. And DevOps is one of those things which is mandatory to implement in your software development. Yes, this is true that DeOps for Software development is highly beneficial to revolutionize the way of the development process. 

Have a look at the survey, The statistic shows the importance of DevOps in scaling software development. 

Blockchain-Based Excise Stamp Replacement System

The Task

Using QR codes as a replacement for excise stamps would allow decentralized and transparent control of the consumption goods logistics, delivery, and selling from the supermarkets and shops. This would eliminate the possibility for fraud and selling counterfeit wares, as well as increase the tax revenues.

The Solution

We have designed and developed a blockchain-based system that uses QR codes instead of excise stamps. Any manufacturer of excise goods can order the required amount of QR codes from the governmental authority. Each unit of the goods is then marked with the QR code, like a pack of cigarettes as shown in our example:

Using DevOps Managed Services to Improve Operations With Automated Deployments and Data

In the Digital Revolution, timelines for product delivery and information analysis are slim. Customers set the pace by consuming products and information on-demand — their way. This places immense pressure on businesses to deliver continuously and reliably to satisfy the rapidly escalating demand for all types of goods. Software is the center of the business universe, vital to all aspects of operations. Building and reliably delivering software is now vital to short and long-term success.

According to IDC, as of 2017 more than 580 million software applications were on the market, and another 500 million applications are expected to surface by 2022. Even if they are off by a couple of hundred million, this volume presents a tremendous amount of stress on operations. Our own research indicates that there are more than 100 million companies and government organizations worldwide (~30% in the United States).

DevOps Trends 2019: DevSecOps, Automation, and More To Attract All The Attention

“DevOps may help get applications out the door and into production in a fast and furious manner, but that’s not what makes such collaboration successful. Success is seen in the quality of the decisions made, and to achieve this quality, teams should be free to operate as autonomously as possible.” —Mark Schwartz, Enterprise Strategist at Amazon Web Services 

DevOps In 2019: Trends, Expectations, And Reality

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2018 has indeed been a year of agility. Many enterprises have chosen a DevOps approach and experienced a radical change. Shifting your focus from traditional to Agile is no longer a trend, especially for enterprises who have already adopted the Digital-Driven Mindset.

DevOps Gets More Exciting in 2019

As an overall solution for the IT industry, DevOps brought about the freest collaboration among various teams creating an end-to-end connection across the process chain. It enabled two entirely-different teams — Development and Operations – to work as a single unit for a productive output that is qualitative and faster than before.

DevOps has evolved a lot and has become the main focus in shaping the world of software for the last few years. Professionals say that DevOps is going to be the mainstream and its popularity is going to reach its peak point in 2019.