What is ‘Load Average?’

Load average is an age-old metric, which is in existence since the 1970s to indicate whether the system is under heavy/average/low load. It is useful to indicate whether the system’s load is on an increasing trend or a decreasing trend. In this article, let’s learn more about 'Load Average.'

How to Understand 'Load Average?'

In most cases, 'Load Average' is reported as an average of 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Please refer to the below screenshot:

Data Processing With Apache Spark

Spark has emerged as a favorite for analytics, especially those instances that can handle massive volumes of data as well as provide high performance compared to any other conventional database engines. Spark SQL allows users to formulate their complex business requirements to Spark by using the familiar language of SQL.

So, in this blog, we will see how you can process data with Apache Spark and what better way to establish the capabilities of Spark than to put it through its paces and use the Hadoop-DS benchmark to compare performance, throughput, and SQL compatibility against SQL Server.

Using DevOps During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic we’re all facing this year is transforming the workforce throughout the whole world. As it doesn't seem like we're going back to the office any time soon, looks like companies are going to need DevOps more than ever.

The COVID-19 pandemic we’re all facing this year is transforming the workforce throughout the whole world. In fact, according to Stanford University research, the US has become a work-from-home economy. 42% of the workforce now working from home full-time. While some businesses are finding it difficult to adjust to this modern lifestyle, others went on immediately. Looking ahead, for a large number of organizations, the inability to adapt could be fatal. 

When DevOps Meets Software Development — A Perfect Pair

Being an owner of a software development company, you need to know each and every update of the fact that it is important for your customer’s satisfaction. And DevOps is one of those things which is mandatory to implement in your software development. Yes, this is true that DeOps for Software development is highly beneficial to revolutionize the way of the development process. 

Have a look at the survey, The statistic shows the importance of DevOps in scaling software development. 

The Fusion of DevOps and Agile

DevOps and Agile

The current trends in the software industry have inclined towards making the application development and deployment a vital part of the business operations. The companies started concentrating on implementing approaches like DevOps Solution, which help in reducing the process of product development. The use of DevOps for development reduces the stages needed to deliver software. The short delivery time of the software allows the user to deploy the software early and adds value to the business by increasing the returns.

Attractive Features of DevOps Implementation

DevOps implementation mainly concentrates on various aspects of software such as the focus on the operability of the software, automation of the software process, scalability, and the better ways of deployment of every release and it’s monitoring along with its long term maintenance. The drawback to DevOps is that it doesn’t accommodate continuous testing of the code that is supported in Agile development. Agile mainly focuses on whether the product meets the customers’ requirements or not and hence focuses on rigorous testing, unlike the DevOps.