How to Improve Value Stream Performance with Automation

There are many ways an organization practicing DevOps can capture value with a software product or service. These range from giving it amazing features to providing troubleshooting tips and instant in-built support when a software system malfunctions.

DevOps brings development and operations teams together to deliver maximum value in the shortest time possible. As this string of activities eventually benefits the customer, they can be considered a value stream.

The Edge of Test Automation: DevTestOps and DevSecOps

Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge.

The state of software development is evolving rapidly as software developers and testers have started moving to DevOps. In the beginning, organizations used to have a simple process for development and operations, but now users demand a more enhanced and improved experience with every product, which requires proper testing, security, data, AI, and more.

Subtle Art of Leveraging Docker Compose for Test Automation

Powerful, yet subtle.

Many of us over the years have executed test automation against a production-like test environments. By the term "production-like," I mean test environments that have the same set up as a production environment but may or may not have the exact configuration as that of the production environment.

However, when it comes to executing test automation against the test environments, there is always a certain degree of challenge (although solvable) that an engineer faces. Classic examples include: