Why You Should Be Adopting a DevOps Culture in 2020

DevOps Culture

The year 2020 has arrived, and its arrival brings a lot of innovations and transformations in the Information and Technology (IT) sector and especially to DevOps technologies. The study conducted by experts at Grand View Research says that the DevOps market is anticipated to be worth 12.85 billion USD by 2025. The adoption of DevOps practices rose 17% in 2018 as compared to 10% in 2017, according to Statista. It has been seen that top organizations that have included DevOps practices in their Software Development cycle have experienced a 63% improvement in the quality of software deployments. Due to Agile adoption, 63% frequency in the release of new versions of software! Also, higher standards of coding have been observed.

Benefits of DevOps

  • Quick amendment response during the development phase.
  • Adapting Agile made easy.
  • It is a perfect route for collaboration between teams.
  • Iterations help in identifying bugs and their quick resolution.
  • Teams can focus more on development and be free from deployment worries.
  • Resilient services by teams.
  • Cross skilling of teams and better self-improvement Faster time to market.
  • It improves the quality of the product.

The market for DevOps is being driven by the increased adoption of Agile methodologies, cloud technologies, rising digitisation, and business automation. Adopting DevOps in the IT culture is a necessity for better team collaborations. So is your business ready to embrace DevOps culture in 2020? Various tools available for DevOps are Docker, Jenkins, GIT, etc. You can always take assistance from Cloud DevOps Consultants or DevOps service providers. If you want to know more about DevOps trends in 2020, then keep reading.

The Fusion of DevOps and Agile

DevOps and Agile

The current trends in the software industry have inclined towards making the application development and deployment a vital part of the business operations. The companies started concentrating on implementing approaches like DevOps Solution, which help in reducing the process of product development. The use of DevOps for development reduces the stages needed to deliver software. The short delivery time of the software allows the user to deploy the software early and adds value to the business by increasing the returns.

Attractive Features of DevOps Implementation

DevOps implementation mainly concentrates on various aspects of software such as the focus on the operability of the software, automation of the software process, scalability, and the better ways of deployment of every release and it’s monitoring along with its long term maintenance. The drawback to DevOps is that it doesn’t accommodate continuous testing of the code that is supported in Agile development. Agile mainly focuses on whether the product meets the customers’ requirements or not and hence focuses on rigorous testing, unlike the DevOps.

DevOps or SRE? Differences, Similarities and Which Role Should You Fill?

DevOps and SRE seem like two sides of the same coin. Both titles aim to bridge the gap between development and operation teams, with a unified goal of enhancing the release cycle without any compromises.

And indeed, in most companies, we can see that there’s a requirement for just one of these positions, with an overlap in responsibilities and abilities. Both titles co-exist in the same space, and both are an essential part of the development team; so how are they different, and what does each one mean? Let’s check it out.

What is DevOps Lifecycle and How to Manage Yours

From conceptualization to deployment, the process of developing software applications or web applications is complex. By going through several intricate phases of development, a web application or software is tested on multiple levels before being proceeded into production. 

In most cases, software application development becomes time-consuming due to its specifications and complexities. In order to deliver the application in a short span of time, software developers are following a universal set of practices called the DevOps lifecycle.

NetApp and DevOps: How We Did It

For the last several years, NetApp has been on our own DevOps journey. We made the decision to adopt DevOps methodologies and technologies into our own systems. Led by our internal IT team, we've taken the steps to a software-defined, cloud-based data center with end-to-end DevOps workflow automation. So, how is it going and what can you learn from our experience?

Want your team to stay focused through your own DevOps journey? Check out Best Practices for Adopting a DevOps Culture.

Developers Alone Cannot Reduce Technical Debt in a Silo

Technical Debt is something that accumulates over a period and at some point, it could render an application unviable to maintain. It is like a time bomb which if not diffused soon could cause serious customer repercussions and financial damages to an organization.

With the name ‘technical’ debt, it is often perceived that reducing technical debt is the sole responsibility of the developers. Of course, developers play a key role in refactoring code and reducing technical debt. But refactoring is not always restricted to only the code. Many other groups have to play their related roles to enable refactoring and reduction of technical debt.

Understanding the Quality Assurance and Testing Process

Choosing the right software testing partner is a vital step aimed at lessening your software release cycle and stopping defects before they're reported by your customers. 

But the benefits extend way beyond expectation – a professional software testing company can augment your company's role by boosting your company's brand value and, as a result, unlock new revenue streams.

Avoid These Common Pitfalls When Transitioning to CI/CD

Avoid these mistakes!

If you have attended an industry event or conference lately, the talk inevitably drifts to development approaches. One thing you hear about a fair amount is the difficulties in the adoption of automated testing, continuous integration, continuous delivery CI/CD pipeline, agile testing, DevOps, test automation, behavior-driven development, and continuous testing among others. While these may sound like buzzwords to the uninitiated, organizations today are adopting many of these approaches successfully to drive faster release cycles along with high-quality software.

DevOps and SRE, Chapter 1: When Innovation Becomes Mainstream


Cloud-native applications are a type of complex system that depends on the continuous effort of software professionals that combines the best of their expertise to keep them running. In other words, their reliability isn't self-sustaining, but is a result of the interactions of all the different actors engaged in their design, build, and operation.

Over the years the collection of those interactions has been evolving together with the systems they were designed to maintain, which have been also becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex. The IT service management model, once designed to maintain control and stability, is now fading and giving place to a model designed to improve velocity while maintaining stability. Although the combination of those things might seem contradictory at first, this series of articles tries to reveal the reasons why the collection of practices that today we know as DevOps and SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) are becoming the norm for modern systems.

Scaling in DevOps

There are a number of barriers in scaling DevOps.

Many large enterprises launch small DevOps initiatives within certain departments but subsequently find that scaling DevOps across the organization to enable meaningful and true digital transformation faces a number of challenges that must be overcome.

We face challenges in our environment based on our past decisions as well as our current objectives. If we approach these problems from the individual, team and organizational level, we can successfully assess, plan and overcome them. Indeed, the key challenge to adopting DevOps is, in essence, scaling challenges. The barriers that can exist at various levels get magnified with history, impacting how we approach the various inflection points that occur in organizational lifecycles.

Subtle Art of Leveraging Docker Compose for Test Automation

Powerful, yet subtle.

Many of us over the years have executed test automation against a production-like test environments. By the term "production-like," I mean test environments that have the same set up as a production environment but may or may not have the exact configuration as that of the production environment.

However, when it comes to executing test automation against the test environments, there is always a certain degree of challenge (although solvable) that an engineer faces. Classic examples include:

Docker in DevOps: Igniting Application-Wide Quality at Speed

Diving deep into Docker with DevOps

DevOps has now become a de-facto standard for software development. The modern age of instant customer satisfaction has pushed market demands and competitive pressures to an all-time high.

Beyond that, end-users’ tolerance for brick and mortar applications has grown increasingly narrow. Thus, real-time application delivery has become a new norm.

Bringing RPA to Its Next Frontier: The Cloud

The next RPA frontier


The adoption of robotic process automation (RPA) continues to accelerate. In fact, according to Gartner,  it’s the fastest-growing segment of the global enterprise software market, with revenue increasing 63.1% to $846 million in 2018. Gartner forecasts RPA software revenue will reach $1.3 billion in 2019.

Despite these extraordinary figures, we have not yet reached the precipice of where this transformative technology will take global enterprise and society as a whole.

Role of Enterprise Architecture in DevOps Adoption


In traditional development, the development team and operations team always work in silos. Development teams focus on functionality, features, user experience, architecture, and non-functional requirements. The focuses of operations teams are cost, reliability, security, risk, and manageability.

DevOps is the set of concepts, cultural philosophies, practices, team organization structures and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity to the clients. It helps in responding to new requirements quickly, or to problems that occur in production. This enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.

What You Need to Know About DevTestOps

What is DevTestOps?

The DevOps movement or culture celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2018. It is now critical to the success of many organizations.

The original definition of DevOps by practitioners Len Bass, Ingo Weber and LIming Zhu is interesting. “It is a set of practices that helps reduce the time between committing a change to a system and committing the change into normal production – all the while ensuring high quality.”

Why Continuous Testing Is The Best Thing That Happened to Digital Transformation

Change has always been at the center of mankind's evolution, mapping the journey since the primitive era to this digital age. Continuous experimentation, trials and errors, continuous improvement and integration into everyday life, and then the continuous distribution of the experimented, adapted technology has led us to where we stand today. From simply surviving on necessities to building a life of luxury and convenience, mankind has surely come a long way. The extent to which we have evolved, the distance that we have traversed, has brought us to the point of advancement where we exist physically but survive digitally.

Evolution has been the only constant over the centuries of our existence. But what makes digital transformation so revolutionizing is its capability of bridging the difference between physical and digital. When a snake sheds its skin, it changes; when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it transforms. Digital transformation is metamorphosizing every industry into a winged butterfly. But, if done wrong, you'll only have a really fast caterpillar who may complete the designated tasks much faster, but at the cost of quality and efficiency. This is where continuous testing takes the reins — to ensure that your organization truly transforms into an enterprise capable of delivering excellent customer satisfaction rapidly.

Measure Lead Time for the Business

When teams adopting DevOps ask me, “What should we measure to know that we’re improving?” I have reflexively rattled off the metrics from Accelerate.

  • Throughput
    • Deployment frequency (frequency an app is released)
    • Lead Time (time from code commit to working in prod)
  • Stability
    • Change failure rate (changes requiring a subsequent fix or causing outage)
    • Time to restore (typical restoration time when an outage occurs)

These broadly make sense and point to a high degree of automated deployment, testing, and robust monitoring. These tenants of DevOps have been helpful. The State of DevOps Report shows that strong performers in these areas outperform their competition in the market. The reality of that is something I have wagered on and won