Coming Soon: Open Source M5 Stack STEM Dev Board

M5 Stack recently launched a development board designed for IoT education. It helps teach developers how to carry out experiments and conduct research. Until now, there hasn’t been a similar product on the market offering all the learning possibilities of M5Stacks' Dev Board. 

The board is a combination of all of their previous top-ranked products. It’s fully open-sourced and entirely compatible with other related products, making it the holy grail for IoT development by opening up endless possibilities. 

4 Ways Application Security Testing Can Help Overcome IoT Threats?

In simpler, Internet-less times, looting banks required the physical presence of masked, gun-bearing robbers. If banks were proactive enough, they could take down the robbers and prevent the loot with tight security force or hamper an ongoing robbery by calling in additional help.

Nowadays, with the Internet practically ruling our lives, robbing a bank has become easier while securing it has become a real headache. Amidst the millions of interconnected IoT devices, identifying the weak nodes has emerged as one of the biggest challenges. Without knowing what to secure, how will the security strategy work?

A Guide to Rules Engines for IoT: Forward-Chaining Engines

What Is a Forward-Chaining Rules Engine?

An inference engine using forward chaining applies a set of rules and facts to deduce conclusions, searching the rules until it finds one where the IF clause is known to be true. The process of matching new or existing facts against rules is called pattern matching, which forward chaining inference engines perform through various algorithms, such as Linear, Rete, Treat, Leaps, etc.

When a condition is found to be TRUE, the engine executes the THEN clause, which results in new information being added to its dataset. In other words, the engine starts with a number of facts and applies rules to derive all possible conclusions from those facts. This is where the name "forward chaining" comes from — the fact that the inference engine starts with the data and reasons its way forward to the answer, as opposed to backward chaining, which works the other way around.

Why I Took the Time to Turn On Two-Factor Authentication

For the past few years, my dad has been encouraging me to turn on two-factor authentication (2FA) on any service that offers it. Having grown up in the social media age, I felt his requests were unwarranted.

I know social media inside and out (and I have a master’s degree to prove it). I have always taken care not to share personal information online that I wouldn’t share in person, and I regularly update my security settings across all my accounts on the internet. So, what was the big deal with turning on two-factor authentication?

Device Power Management in IoT

One aspect to consider while developing an IoT project is device power management. With the rise of the Internet of Things, the optimization of the battery-operated devices is an important aspect that can make a huge difference. Device power management in the IoT is a challenging task because a device could always be powered up and could be located everywhere. Often, IoT devices are located remotely and they must use a battery to work.

IoT Device Power Management: How to Implement It

The device power management in IoT involves all the steps related to the designing process, and it is very important to take into account how the device will behave and how this behavior affects energy consumption. The battery capacity and device behavior are two of the most important aspects. In more detail, the device behavior can have a bad impact on energy management. Usually, we can model an IoT device power consumption using three different areas:

Probabilistic Identifiers in CCPA

The CCPA, the California Privacy Protection Act, was passed last year and goes into effect at the beginning of next year. And just as the GDPR impacts businesses outside Europe, the CCPA will impact businesses outside California.

The law specifically mentions probabilistic identifiers.