Let the Oracle Database Operator for Kubernetes Do the Job

Hello everyone! New Year, New Life, and finally, old dreams and goals are coming out of the paper. For my first blog, at the beginning of 2022, I chose to talk about Oracle Database Kubernetes Operator, a.k.a OraOperator. 

In this post, I'll talk about Oracle Database Kubernetes Operator, a.k.a OraOperator, and offer a gentle introduction to Kubernetes Operator and Cloud-Native Architecture -- base for all.

SonarQube Local Setup Using Docker

SonarQube is a static code scanning tool that helps us to improve code quality. Join me in this video tutorial as I explain three easy steps to set up SonarQube using the Docker tool for our development environment in your local machine. 

Java Under the Hood [Videos]

Java is a high-level programming language, which means that we don't need to know the internals of the language and how it works under the hood to be a Java developer. However, if you want to lead back-end projects, earn a higher salary, be respected and admired, you will need to learn what it takes to run a Java program.

I have recorded a series of videos showing essential parts of Java that you need to know to call yourself a senior Java developer.

Eliminating Local Resource Constraints for Building Cloud-Native Applications

Is Minikube melting your laptop? Are your local integration tests suffering because you can’t run dependencies on your development machine?

As organizations adopt Kubernetes and cloud-native architectures, development teams will often run into resource constraints as their architectures get more complex. Additionally, Kubernetes presents new challenges for configuring local development environments in comparison with legacy monolithic applications.