What is Cloud eCommerce Solutions?

Most of us have heard of Google Cloud or Dropbox applications without knowing that those applications are built from Cloud E-Commerce platforms. So what is “Cloud eCommerce”, why “Cloud eCommerce solutions” become so popular among businesses? Which feature does it excel in? Let’s find out more!

What’s Cloud eCommerce?

The term “Cloud eCommerce” is essentially a term used to refer to a remote access model. You use your computer via the Internet to connect and interact with a server located very far away to use application services, storage, and data processing.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Development

If you notice the trend of outsourcing software development these days, you must know the fact that Vietnam is becoming the new powerhouse of skilled technical workers. They have a broad knowledge base to complete tasks as data mining, analysis, and innovation.

As a result, a productive yet cheap workforce is one of the reasons why many businesses are considering outsourcing their software. And before making any decision, let’s see how outsourcing benefits you and what all the bad sides are when it comes to this activity.

How to Reduce Software Development Cost

Software development can be tricky. Whether your goal is to build commercial off-the-shelf software or a custom software solution, it can become a huge challenge and quite an expensive one if you are not sure how to do it right. 

In this post, we want to highlight some thoughts on how to approach the development stage to significantly reduce software development costs without compromising the quality of your future product.

How to Keep Your Software Developers’ Job Satisfaction High

These software developers are clearly satisfied.

There is always time to talk about work ethics and rules that influence the turnover rate of a software development company. It doesn’t matter what kind of bonuses or incentives you offer – if the company doesn't have strong leadership and clear guidelines, chances are high that employees won’t stay there for long.

At DashBouquet, we value the fact that our employees have been with us for quite a long time and new people keep joining the team. We think one of the reasons for that is our 'Blackbook of Rules.' Thus, we’d like to share some of it with you, so that maybe you'll be inspired to come up with your own.