Defining the Developer Experience

If you run a software company, it’s common to think about the User Experience (UX), how they experience your product when they use it, how intuitive it is to interact with, how quickly someone can accomplish an activity within your product, and how they feel about that process when it is completed. 

The developer experience (DX) is similar, but instead of how your customer experiences using your software, it’s how your developers experience the process of adding features, fixing bugs, doing code reviews, meeting testing objectives, coordinating on QC/QA requirements, and fulfilling their responsibilities in the release process. 

How Writing Skills Can Help Developers Grow

Let's face it: Soft developers rarely consider writing skills worthy of their note. They focus on computer science, coding, SQL databases or CI/CD structures understanding, and other technical knowledge they believe they'll need for professional growth.

Indeed, in today's data-driven, data-heavy world, when we have so much content to consume, there seems no place left for walls of text, articles, or paper books. Visual content calls the shots, and most of us would choose to listen to a podcast than read extended interviews or tutorials.