How To Hire Remote Developers Successfully

There are many aspects to consider when you want to hire remote developers: the candidate’s technical and soft skills, the region where you hire, how to find a developer, hiring format, and many more. Here, we’ll talk about what a developer needs to work efficiently in the remote format, as well as how to check if this work is efficient. 

Ask an HR manager about what is important for a remote developer and most likely you will hear that this person should be independent, organized, self-disciplined, structured, etc. That sounds reasonable, but what hides behind these names in reality? Let’s take a thorough look at the candidate requirements from a practical perspective. 

Scaling DevOps and Delivery With a Platform

One of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the increased urgency with which firms approach digital transformation. These initiatives aim to improve customer satisfaction, retention and acquisition through the development of modern applications to increase agility for faster delivery of products and services.

Modern application development necessitates breaking down applications into smaller value streams, delivered as independent services by agile teams via the cloud. But in order to do this, teams must of course possess the requisite skills to build, deploy and operate secure, cloud-native applications. Increasingly, firms that fail to ensure service teams develop these skills will struggle with digital transformation.

7 Tips to Hire the Perfect Mobile App Developer for Your Company

In today’s competitive market, recruiting the best talent and the perfect mobile app developer is none less than a challenge for a human resource manager of the company. But as this is the age of the Digital era and transformation, therefore, hiring a developer is a must for every mobile app development company.

The main reason behind the problem of hiring a perfect mobile app developer is the high demand for skilled coders in the market. The most talented candidates in the market often get snatched up quickly by whichever employer moves the fastest to make a strong job offer for them. Therefore speeding up the hiring process seems a logical solution, but it’s not as easy as it sounds and leads into the other major hurdle: It’s hard for non-programmers to assess potential candidates for there business.

Developers Need to Pay Attention: Attacks On Open Source Are Going to Get Worse [Video]

As vital as we know open source is to building software in today’s world, it’s a mistake to think of it as a silver bullet. The ability to expedite software development is clear — but so is the significant room for error, when not properly managed.

Two years ago, Sonatype's CTO, Brian Fox, started chronicling a disturbing turn of events that showed that a shifting landscape of attacks based on OSS consumption was emerging. Since then, he's seen a consistent increase in malicious open source and supply chain attacks that make one thing clear — it’s only going to get worse. Most recently it was the Bootstrap-sass hack and before that, the event-stream attack.