How to Overcome “The Great Resignation” at Your Company [Webinar Sign-up]

If you're working to hire developers in today's market, congratulations, you are now the candidate! With 500,000 job openings for software developers in the U.S. alone, you're in a tough hiring market. "The Great Resignation" is being used to describe this turbulence in the market and every day you run the risk of missing your software delivery plans based on empty seats and disengaged developers. Every company has reevaluated how they are attracting and retaining their developers to compete in this post-pandemic market and are making changes to how they operate their teams. 

Join us on December 10th, and we'll look at the current market trends for the developer hiring market and give both leaders and developers practical steps that they can take to attract new developers and keep the ones they have in the year ahead. You'll learn:

A World Without Developers

Why Wouldn't There Be Any More Developers to Train?

Didn't you notice several strange effects? Experienced developers with high salaries? Older developers are more common? Young developers who are very hard to find? Atypical profiles are being recruited more and more often? More and more bad developers who don't even know how to handle the HTTP verbs of REST? The need for developers is becoming more and more widespread, and, at the same time, they seem to be becoming more difficult to find. We even have this unpleasant impression that young people are less and less interested in pursuing software development. And we can understand that. When I was young, I went through two Amstrad computers at home before upgrading to a Pentium 60Mhz PC with 8 MB of RAM, which I used to tweak config files to be able to launch my games, and for which it was necessary to configure IRQs to install a new sound card.

My children, meanwhile get a tablet in their hands at a very young age (perhaps too young), and have no questions about installing a game, launching it, playing it, or watching videos on the Internet. In short, they don't ask questions! And they don't feel the need to understand how this can work. It was certainly very exciting to understand how a TV or radio works when it came out, but did you feel the need to know? The image of the "great technician" manipulating computers for everyday use has long since disappeared, leading to a loss of the desire to know more.