Hiring the Top Mobile App Developers: Do’s and Don’ts

We are all surrounded by technologies and advancements in today's fast-paced era, and mobile apps are one of them. In today's competitive market, all firms recognize that simply having a web presence is insufficient.

And that's why they're relying more on mobile apps these days. According to an app development statistic, mobile applications are predicted to generate over $935 billion in revenue by 2023.  

Understanding How CALMS Extends To Observability

As our observability and DevOps practices continue to join, similar alignment happens with our frameworks and goals. In fact, when one considers that observability is about increased and deeper data about our environments, it is evident that the frameworks aren’t changing so much as adapting to faster insights.

Let’s take a look at CALMS. CALMS (Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, Sharing) was created by Jez Humble and is meant as a method of assessing how an organization is adapting to DevOps practices. However, as we add observability, CALMS can extend to our observability practice as well.

Microservices on AWS: Part 2 [Video]


In this AWSome Pipeline tutorial, I will deploy a Spring Boot microservice to AWS Cloud using the different CI/CD tools provided by AWS. We will be creating different IAM roles needed and then set up the AWS pipeline to continuously deliver software changes to our EC2 instances. I will walk you through different steps involved from uploading your code to GitHub, then check out that using AWS code stage, building using AWS Code Build, and then deploying the generated artifact to your targeted auto-scaling group using AWS Code Deploy. We will be creating a new version of the application and then demo that how the AWS pipeline can deploy those changes to our environment seamlessly. 

Source code can be downloaded from the GitHub repository.

The Scope of DevOps

DevOps is the unification of software development and software operations; it has given a cultural twist to the otherwise technology-oriented industry. There is a lot more collaboration within the team, which has given rise to high levels of efficiency. Undergoing a DevOps Certification Training will be incredibly beneficial to tech professionals as well as freshers of the IT industry. Further, automation plays a huge role in providing quick solutions to the customers, where the most valuable asset of the generation is given utmost importance, i.e, time. In this fast-paced era, organizations are looking out for solutions that can be obtained in the most effective manner by consuming the least amount of time. Hence, the future of DevOps looks quite promising across industries. 

The Future of DevOps

A few of the highlights are mentioned below:

Deploying Only the Interaction Model for OU Alexa Skill

In the new ASK CLI 2.x that has just been recently released, I found that the choice to deploy only the interaction model seems to have disappeared. In this article, I will show you how to regain this powerful time-saving capability back.

The Value of Deploying Only The Interaction Model

This option is important to me as I do a lot of local debugging. To save time I used to deploy only the interaction model from my local machine when I do simple minor changes, especially on the utterances, slot types, and values.

3 Ways to Continue Using ASK CLI 1.x With the New ASK CLI 2.x

At the time of this writing, the ASK CLI 2.6.0 has just been released. Along with it comes a fair bit of breaking changes the extend of which can be seen in this migration guide

This has caused a fair bit of challenge in the community especially for developers who have multiple skills prior to ASK CLI 2.x being introduced. A lot of automation tools would also have to be rewritten and some even have no viable workarounds when using 2.x. The VSCode extension functionality that allows convenient ASK CLI support is also broken

Preparation for the Failure

Predicting failures of software in a production environment is very critical, apart from ensuring the quality during the development stage. The failures can happen in many ways, predicting them upfront and ensuring there are solutions for all such failures is a smart way. It will position you ahead in the race.

The preparation for failure should start from the initial stage of software design and carry on to the development and testing cycles. We must keep questioning our decisions in all these stages about the probability of failures and associated solutions.