You only need ONE design pattern

Let me tell you a secret; Design patterns are the natural consequences of programming idioms and paradigms that are so inferior that it's impossible to create working code without them. Design patterns are like wheel chairs, they're trying to fix that which is already broken. A piece of advice, if you can of course, try to rather avoid getting into a wheel chair in the first place (read; Use OOP that is) - Than to run to the wheel chair arguably the same way junior software developers are running to OOP these days ...

A really great programming language doesn't need design patterns in fact. This is true to the extent of that I once saw a super senior developer going through all the original 23 design patterns from the Gang of Four, and proved how 19 of them made absolutely no sense what so ever for Lisp, which we all know is a far superior programming language than any "modern" programming languages of course (duh!)

Design Patterns for Modern Day Commerce Using Microservices

E-commerce businesses are using microservices to build a set of reusable components for their stores. These services make it easier to deliver your content to multiple channels at scale by operating independently from the front end.

In this post, I’ll talk about several design patterns you can implement and explain what they offer. I’ll also mention common use cases.