What’s the Best Way To Optimize Images for the Web?

Want fast loading web pages?

You probably aren’t optimizing your images enough. Image optimization is frequently overlooked because it’s only a small difference and takes some time to do, but a series of small changes will lead to a screaming fast website. It’s worth it. Your pages will load faster.

Five Reasons Why You Should Prototype Your IoT Device


It’s no secret that materializing an idea, concept, or plan is often difficult. The process of going from a planning phase—in which everything theoretically works perfectly—to a finished product is almost always more challenging than expected. This is especially true in the world of the Internet of Things.

When launching a new IoT project, any experienced IoT developer will tell you that something will go wrong. Whether that’s going over budget, or due to faulty hardware, carelessness, or other general mishaps, it probably will happen. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself. This is when prototyping IoT devices come in. 

All You Need to Know About 8 Web Design Trends: 2021

However awash with challenges induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the interminable year 2020 still anticipated the emergence of outstanding web design trends in 2021.

Indeed, the quarantine period, in concert with remote working, has increased human exposure to the virtual world, especially websites. And now, we’ll summarize the top possibly dominant website design trends in 2021.

How Responsiveness Is a Critical Part of the Design Thinking Process?

Learn more about the impact of responsiveness!

This short article will quickly enlighten viewers regarding the thought process or the stages that go behind the scenes before actually developing a website. Let's get started with the design thinking process.

What Is the Design Thinking Process?

The design thinking process can be defined as the thought process or the innovative ideas that web designers use to design a website before actually developing one. It's an iterative process wherein we constantly think from the end user's perspective for solving their problems instead of just concentrating on visual appeal. Design thinking focuses more on enhancing the user experience.

When Things Get Tough… Take a Break

Know when to stop and when to keep going

Remember when you were in the midst of your primary education? Remember taking some math class, with concepts that were difficult to comprehend?

I certainly do ... often saying, "when in the world will I ever need to know about  sin() cos(),    tan()  and all of this stuff about radians." To me, I was pretty certain I would not need to do any radian math when balancing my checking account.