The 2021 DORA Report Gives a Veiled Nod to GitOps

The 2021 DORA report is out, and it continues its focus on the characteristics of top-performing DevOps teams. It's becoming an essential read for anyone interested in how companies are using DevOps. The findings show that GitOps principles are integral to top-performing teams. Here are the highlights from the report.

SRE and DevOps Are Complementary

SRE (site reliability engineering) started to gain traction around the same time as DevOps, and it has its origins in companies like Google and Facebook. 

Getting Started With Kubernetes In 2 Days

Kubernetes (commonly abbreviated as K8s) is an open-source platform for container orchestration that we use extensively at Shipyard. It automates many of the tasks involved in maintaining a container-based app, such as deploying, scaling, load-balancing, and auto-scaling.

Kubernetes Done Wrong

Kubernetes is a major asset for modern container management and has streamlined deployment for thousands of companies. However, it is infamous for its steep learning curve. Simply put, Kubernetes is difficult to get right.

Leveraging FlexDeploy Project Package Features

For a long time software development processes have been using packages. A package, for all intents and purposes, is a container file. Much like a zip file, they contain other files such as binaries, source code, scripts, and also a manifest that tells users what this project package means. Some common usages of packages are to make it easier to reuse and share code or to deploy code dependencies to different projects. Often, having a formal system with packages can help expose bugs sooner, making it easier to deliver trustworthy software. FlexDeploy packages, along with other built-in continuous integration and delivery functionality, will allow for a significant increase in productivity for developers and release managers.

In this blog, we will explore the significance of partial projects, how we can utilize project packages, and also integrating change management into the build and deployment of those packages.

5 Signs You Should Adopt DevOps

Wondering when you should adopt DevOps? Here are 5 signs it should be prioritized.

1. You Have a Plethora of Technologies and Tools That Are Difficult to Organize and Manage

Running a successful enterprise business that delivers products and/or services is impossible without technology. Most enterprises have a wide and varied technology landscape to deliver quality products/services, respond to customers’ needs, and run a successful business.

Benefits of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Usage

Many developers will say that DevOps is the way forward (we’ve even said it ourselves many times), and there are good reasons for that. DevOps offers a singularly transformative approach to building great apps and services while being capable of eliminating technical debt (eventually) as well as the usual delays and long project durations of the conventional development pipeline.

With DevOps, the development lifecycle of an app can be shortened considerably. Adding automation and quality control into the processes within the DevOps workflow as well as further optimizations through continuous integration and continuous delivery, or CI/CD, can considerably shorten the time it takes to innovate, test, and deploy new apps or features. In fact, some of the benefits of using CI/CD are too good to miss.