Verification and Validation in Testing


You are at the right place! This is not a free vocabulary-building class but a critical evaluation of a much sought-after debate around verification and validation in the software testing world. Why do we need to know the difference between Verification and Validation? Even though they sound just about the same, they carry different meanings depending on what you intend to do as a tester/developer in the software development and testing process. They both go hand in hand while solving a problem. However, there is a lot of confusion around the meaning of these two words concerning software testing. While there may be many definitions of these terms in various fields on the internet, here we will look at these terms in the testing space and analyze both of these terms in detail.

Verification vs Validation

Software testing is a vast field. It involves various methods and processes proposed to solve different software testing issues. Verification and Validation are also a part of the same group in software testing. It is also known as a V-Model (Verification and Validation model) in the context of software development and testing.

Deploy Friday: E28 Language Spotlight: Java

This year marked 25 years since the first public alpha release of the Java programming language and platform. Java would become a key player in the years following that release as the Internet transitioned to become a mainstream phenomenon. After 25 years, will Java continue to shape the next 25 years? Join us and find out with amazing guests for another Deploy Friday Language Spotlight.


DevOps Your Skill: Deploy

When the code is checked in the previous steps, it is time to deploy the Skill to the Alexa cloud in order to start the next steps that will run different kind of tests. There are some tests, like VUI tests, integrations tests, end-to-end tests, and validation tests that we cannot run in localhost only with our code. This is why we need to deploy the Alexa Skill to the development stage.

These step are automated in the continuous integration system (CircleCI) and are executed in each new version of the software.

How to Deploy an Angular App on Firebase

In this article, I am going to share with you how you can deploy your Angular application on Firebase.

In case you don’t know what Firebase is, it’s a mobile and web application development and deployment platform. For more details, check out this link.