Why Choose Node.js for Backend Web Development in 2022?

Stepping into the software development world is important for every growing business. However, it’s also essential to choose the right backend web development based on the objectives and goals you have established.  

One of the technologies widely in use today is Node.js development as modern application development. In recent years, it has been adopted by many companies to develop backend web applications. 

Deno vs. Node: A Detailed Comparison

What is Deno?

Deno a pristine method to compose worker-side JavaScript. It solves many of the problems that Node does. It was created by the same person as Node. It uses the V8 JavaScript engine under the hood but the rest of the runtime is implemented in Rust and Typescript.

What Reason Does Deno Utilize Rust?

Deno may be a safe TypeScript run-time on Chrome V8. It had been initially written in Go and now has been revamped in Rust to remain far away from potential garbage collector issues. Deno is like Node js yet is centered around security. The rationale that Deno made was JavaScript. Significantly more horrendous than having a competitor who understands your thing back to front, Deno was made expressly to fix what Dahl saw due to the crucial weaknesses of NodeJs — including security issues, use of a centralized repository system (npm), and heavy tooling.

Node.js Creator Ryan Dahl Interview


Ryan Dahl is a software engineer and the original developer of the Node.js, and the Deno JavaScript and TypeScript runtime. We are glad to have had an opportunity to speak to Ryan about his projects, the main challenges in Deno, hear his thoughts on the future of JavaScript and TypeScript, find more about the third-party Deno ecosystem projects and discuss how he would have changed his approach to Node.js if he could travel back in time!

The Interview

Evrone: Your new Deno project is quite an impact among developers. What are you doing right now most of the time?

Deno JS: Introduction


The story ages to the time of dinosaurs. The gigantic reptiles that flourish on Earth millions of years ago. After completing their time, they extinct. As Justin Timberlake said, "what goes around, Comes back around". The same happens to dinosaurs, in this digital age they return with a slang name DENO. Again a bad analogy to start with, please pardon me with this.


So according to, deno.land,  Deno is a simple, modern, and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust, and Tokio. Sounding like Node it is made by the developer, Ryan Dahl, of its anagram. As a first time user for deno, it felt like a node in a new package there is a substantial difference between the two on which we will be coming in the latter part. 

Deno JS: CRUD and MySQL Connection

Deno.js is a new backend language based on the javascript framework. Deno is a simple, modern, and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to develop a complete CRUD web application using Deno js (Oak as a framework) and using Mysql as database. 


This project takes an example of an Employee object having four attributes id, name, department, and isActive. We will proceed with adding an employee object in our DB and then performing further operations.