CO2 and the Cloud – For Better or Worse

When it comes to carbon emissions and the internet, we very often come back to data centers and streaming applications. But what is the situation and how can we improve it?

Being interested in Green IT and the CO2 emissions of our data centers, I've had the opportunity to read several very interesting articles that I'd like to share with you and give you my thoughts.

Digital Transformation and the Evolving Role of the CIO

In the tech industry, it’s important to stay up on what chief information officers (CIOSs) are thinking, what their goals are and what obstacles they encounter in meeting these goals. That’s why I make it a priority to keep in constant contact with CIOs and other IT leaders around the world, both through personal meetings and through Flexera research that solicits their input. One thing that’s crystal clear is that the CIO’s role is evolving at a rapid pace.

A few years ago, CIOs had command and control of the IT environment. Anyone who needed an IT resource had to first go through the IT department. CIOs ran their departments as cost centers and managing the IT budget was their primary concern, as they were under continuous pressure to do more with less.

Decentralized Social Media: Improving the User Experience

For the first time since the creation of mainstream social media platforms, the number of American users with at least one social media profile decreased in 2018. People are choosing to leave social media platforms for many reasons, from the platforms’ negative effect on mental health to the general mistrust of platform owners. Users are increasingly becoming aware of the amount of power single entities hold over their information. However,  a move toward decentralized social media could put power back in the user’s hands. 

Many social media profiles are connected to email addresses, phone numbers and other personal identifications. Wherever there is data, there is scope for breach. The need for a system that separates a user’s profile from their sensitive information online is greater following security breaches on Facebook, Twitter, and more. 

How Cloud Has Impacted The Centralization vs. Decentralization Of IT

How cloud affects IT infrastructures

Every week, we find ourselves having a conversation about cost optimization with a wide variety of enterprises. In larger companies, we often talk to folks in the business unit that most people traditionally refer to as Information Technology (IT). These meetings usually include discussions about the centralization vs decentralization of IT and oftentimes they don’t realize it, as we are discussing cloud and how it’s built, run and managed in the organization.

Centralized IT

List of Top Blockchain Rapid Prototyping Tools

On one hand, blockchain and cryptocurrency use cases are making it to the headlines on a daily basis, yet the rate of decentralized solutions actually entering the market space is still on the lower side.

While the market is ready to be decentralized, businesses are taking their own sweet time to come up with a blockchain-based solution to present to the market.