SVG Filter Effects: Outline Text with <feMorphology>


Last week, in the first post of this series on SVG filter effects, we covered the basics of SVG filters—how to create them and how to use them. We also covered a few of the most frequently used filter operations (a.k.a. filter primitives). We will be reusing a little of what we covered in the first post in this article. So, unless you’re already familiar with those, I recommend taking a few minutes to read that article before moving forward with this one.

<feMorphology> is one of my favorite SVG filter operations. It is one of the simplest operations, too, and the results of applying it to different elements are predictable most of the time.

What is Morphing?

To morph means to transform or alter the form or the shape of an object.

The morphology filter operates on the form of an object. It provides two predefined shape transformations: erosion (a.k.a thinning, or shrinking) and dilation (a.k.a. thickening, or expanding). In other words, the feMorphology primitive can be used to shrink or expand elements.

Technically speaking, both these operations operate on a pixel level, expanding a pixel into its neighboring pixels (dilate) or crumbling the neighboring pixels at the edges of the pixel being operated on (erode), while still maintaining strokes around the edge of that pixel. The amount by which a pixel is dilated, or the number of neighboring pixels used to “stretch” or “expand” a pixel upon, is determined by a radius parameter.

    in=".." result=".." 
    operator="dilate || erode" radius="">

You can think of the morphing radius as the radius of a circle or ellipse; any neighboring pixels that lie within the circle determined by this radius and starting at the input pixel then counts as a neighboring pixel and will be used in the dilation or erosion effect.

In reality, though, the radius actually defines the size of a kernel known as the structuring element and which looks more like a matrix. For now, it’s enough to think about it in terms of a small rectangle whose width and height are determined in pixels specified in the radius attribute.

Effect of erosion using a 3x3 structuring element (kernel).

To use the filter we don’t need to get into the nerdy details of what morphing does on a pixel level. Suffice it to know that you can provide one or two radius values to feMorphology that will determine the amount by which your element will be shrunk or expanded. If you provide two numbers in the radius attribute, the first one will correspond to the x-radius and the second one will determine the y-radius.

Morphing Images

When the feMorphology operation is applied to images, it results in two, usually predictable, results:

  • The image size (dimensions) get smaller if the erode operator is used, and larger if the dilate operator is used.
  • With either operator, the image looks like it’s been painted with a large painting brush, with not a lot of fine detail in it.

So, assuming we want to apply the morphing effect to an image, our code would look as simple as this:

<svg width="450" height="300" viewBox="0 0 450 300">
    <filter id="erode">
        <feMorphology operator="erode" radius="3"></feMorphology>
    <image xlink:href="..." width="90%" height="90%" x="10" y="10" filter="url(#erode)"></image>

In this snippet, we are eroding (shrinking) the (pixels in the) image by 3 pixels. The following image shows the result of this code. Notice how the size of the image is slightly smaller on the right:

The result (on the right) of applying the erode morphing effect to the image on the left.
The result (on the right) of applying the erode morphing effect to the image on the left.

Now, if we keep the same morph radius and change the operator from erode to dilate, the effect looks similar, but also distinctively different:

The result (on the right) of applying the dilate morph operation to the image on the left.
The result (on the right) of applying the dilate morph operation to the image on the left.

In both cases, the image looks like an abstract painted version of itself, and its overall size changes as its pixels expand or shrink.

But in addition to the these results, probably the first thing you’ll notice is the difference in colors resulting from each of these two effects: erode produces an image that has more dark pixels, whereas dilate produces a light output. This is due to the fact that:

  • erode (the default value) sets each pixel to its darkest or most transparent neighbor, respectively for each of the R, G, B, and A channels, and
  • dilate sets each channel of each pixel to match the brightest or least transparent value from its neighbors, for each channel respectively.

All this technicality aside, applying feMorphology to images will almost always have the same result: a shrunken or expanded low-detail paint-like version of the image with either dark or light main strokes.

See the Pen feMorphology on an image by Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan) on CodePen.light

When applied to single-color elements, however, such as text, feMorphology only shrinks or expands the element—no noticeable pixel color changes happen because we only have one color to work with anyway…

Adding Colored Outline to Text with feMorphology

We can currently add an outline to text in SVG using the stroke attribute on that text.

<!-- Adding an outline to SVG text using strokes -->
<text font-size="80px" dx="100" dy="200" font-weight="700" stroke="deepPink" stroke-width="3px">Stroked Text</text>

By adding a stroke, the stroke is usually centered at the edges of the text so that half of its thickness overlaps with the text itself, making the text thinner, even when it’s not supposed to. Instead of reducing the thickness of the text to add an outline, we should be able to expand (or dilate) the text so that the thickness of the outline or stroke is added to that of the text. We can do that using feMorphology.

Unless otherwise styled, text usually comes in one color. So, applied to text, feMorphology allows us to shrink or thicken that text. Once the text is thickened using feMorphology, it can be used as input to other filter primitives which then allow us to create text outlines the way they are meant to be created.

Before we dig into how to do that, here is an image showing the difference between text with a stroke outline and an outline added using feMorphology.

Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 13.39.46
Notice how the stroked text in the middle has become thinner after adding the stroke outline, compared to the text dilated using feMorphology.

So, let’s create a colored piece of text with an outline. We’ll take it step by step. This is the result we will be aiming for:

Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 18.06.37

So we’ll start with an SVG containing our text and a filter that starts with a simple dilation operation. The amount you dilate the text by depends on the thickness of the outline that you want.

<svg width="900" height="200" viewBox="100 0 900 200">
    <filter id="outline">
        <feMorphology in="SourceAlpha" result="DILATED" operator="dilate" radius="4"></feMorphology>

    <!-- DILATED TEXT -->
    <text font-size="85px" dx="125" dy="130" font-weight="700" filter="url(#outline)">upgrade yourself</text>

The above code will get the alpha channel of the text—which is just a black version of the text—and will thicken it by 4px. The result of the code at this point looks like this:

Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 18.10.25

..compared to the original text which has a dark navy blue fill color:

Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 18.11.13

In order to create the outline effect, we will layer the original text on top of the dilated text, which will leave only the edges of the dilated text (the additional 4px) visible behind the original text, thus making them look like an outline. Overlaying the text on top of its outline (the dilated text) will be achieved using feMerge. We covered feMerge in the previous article.

Another thing we want to do before we position the outline behind the text is to colorize this outline. Also similar to what we did in the previous article, we will flood the filter region area with the color we want, and then composite the color layer with the dilated text layer (our outline) using the in operator. As a result, only the parts of the flood color that intersect with the dilated text will be rendered and the color will be blended with that text, thus colorizing it. Finally, we will merge the resulting colored outline with the original text to get the result we want. Our code now looks like this:

<svg width="900" height="200" viewBox="100 0 900 200">
    <filter id="outline">
        <feMorphology in="SourceAlpha" result="DILATED" operator="dilate" radius="4"></feMorphology>
        <feFlood flood-color="#32DFEC" flood-opacity="1" result="PINK"></feFlood>
        <feComposite in="PINK" in2="DILATED" operator="in" result="OUTLINE"></feComposite>

            <feMergeNode in="OUTLINE" />
            <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" />

    <!-- DILATED TEXT -->
    <text font-size="85px" dx="125" dy="130" font-weight="700" filter="url(#outline)">upgrade yourself</text>

Creating a filter effect in SVG is a matter of thinking of the final result in terms of smaller operations, and using the result of one operation as input to another, and finally merging any layers we have created to achieve the final result.

The following is a live demo of the above code:

See the Pen Colored Text Outline with feMorphology by Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan) on CodePen.light

The fill color of the text can be specified either in your CSS or on the text element using the fill attribute. The color of the outline can be tweaked in the flood-color attribute of the feFlood primitive.

Knocking the Text Out

In addition to adding an outline to text by dilating its alpha channel and layering it behind the text, we can create outline-only text, a.k.a. knockout text, meaning that the inside of the text will be “carved out” so you can see the background behind it through the outline. An example of such effect might look like the text in the following GIF, which shows a background changing color, and how that background can be seen within our text. This is the demo we will be creating in this section:


This effect is easier to create, and the code required to make it is noticeably shorter. The main difference here is that instead of layering the source text on top of the dilated text, we will use that source text to cut out the inner parts of the dilated text. This means that only the added thickness of the dilated text will remain, while the inside will be removed, thus giving us our outline.

We can do that by compositing the source text with the dilated text. Our source text will go on top, and the dilated text will be its backdrop. Using the out composite operator, only the parts of the backdrop that do not overlap with the source layer will be rendered, which in our case means that only our outline will be rendered.

<svg width="900" height="450" viewBox="0 0 900 450">
    <filter id="outliner">

        <!-- Start by grabbing the alpha channel of the text and dilating it-->
        <feMorphology operator="dilate" radius="8" in="SourceAlpha" result="THICKNESS" />
         <!-- Next, grab the original text (SourceGraphic) and use it to cut out the inside of the dilated text -->
        <feComposite operator="out" in="THICKNESS" in2="SourceGraphic"></feComposite>

    <text dx="100" dy="300" filter="url(#outliner)" letter-spacing="10px">SVG Rocks</text>

Using a nice font face, our demo now looks like this:

Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 18.33.21

Cool. Now, what if you want to change the color of the outline? You’d have to use the feFlood primitive again and composite the Flood color with the outline. And then every time you want to change the color of the outline, you’d have to do the same over and over again. This is, admittedly, too tedious. Fortunately, there is a simpler way.

If instead of grabbing and dilating the alpha channel of the text (which is black by default) you grab the source text itself (which could have any fill color!) and dilate it, and then use the text again to carve out the inside of the dilated text, you end up with an outline that comes from the source text itself. This means that the color of that outline will always be the same as the color of the source text. And since we can define the fill color of the source text in CSS, this means that you have an outline text that is separated from its styles. (Yay separation of concerns!) You can then apply the filter to any piece of text, and change the color of that text in the CSS any time you need to, without having to tweak the filter’s code. Our improved code now looks like this:

<svg width="900" height="450" viewBox="0 0 900 450">
    <filter id="outliner">

        <!-- Start by grabbing the source graphic (the text) and dilating it-->
        <feMorphology operator="dilate" radius="8" in="SourceGraphic" result="THICKNESS" />
         <!-- Then use the text (the SourceGraphic) again to cut out the inside of the dilated text -->
        <feComposite operator="out" in="THICKNESS" in2="SourceGraphic"></feComposite>

    <text dx="100" dy="300" filter="url(#outliner)" letter-spacing="10px">SVG Rocks</text>

In our style sheet, we can choose the outline color as well as the SVG background color. You can also choose to have an image behind the text inside the SVG. I’m using CSS animations in the code below to animate the color of the background, for no reason other than it being cool.

svg text {
    font-family: 'Bangers', cursive;
    font-size: 150px;
    letter-spacing: 13px;
    fill: #000; /* This fill color determines the color of the outline */

svg {
    background-color: gold;
    animation: colorsssss 2s linear infinite;
    animation-delay: 3s;

@keyframes colorsssss {
    50% {
        background-color: deepPink;

The above SVG filter is reusable across SVG as well as HTML. If you want to apply it to an HTML element, you can do that using the filter property; just place the filter in your HTML and “call” it in your CSS:

h2 {
    filter: url(#outliner);

    /* You can change the color of the outline here by changing the color of the heading */
    color: deepPink;

And our finished demo that includes an HTML heading with the filter applied to it:

See the Pen (Text) Outlines (Only) by Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan) on CodePen.light

My favorite thing about this filter recipe is that it can be used as a visual enhancement. If a browser does not support SVG filters, or if it does not support CSS filters, or it does not support applying SVG filters to HTML elements, the user will get the original text without the outline/knockout effect applied to it. Oh, and the cherry on top of the cake? Both the SVG and the HTML text will be fully accessible, searchable and selectable. Yay progressive enhancement! Yay SVG!

Final Words

Using just two filter operations in SVG, you can apply an outlined text effect to your SVG or HTML text content. Place this filter in your HTML and use and reuse it as often as you need.

In the next article in this series, we will have a look at the <feComponentTransfer>, one of my favorite filter primitives, and see how it works and what effects we can create with it. Stay tuned.

SVG Filter Effects: Outline Text with <feMorphology> was written by Sara Soueidan and published on Codrops.

SVG Filters 101


CSS currently provides us with a way to apply color effects to images such as saturation, lightness, and contrast, among other effects, via the filter property and the filter functions that come with it.

We now have 11 filter functions in CSS that do a range of effects from blurring to changing color contrast and saturation, and more. We have a dedicated entry in the CSS Reference if you want to learn more about them.

Albeit powerful and very convenient, CSS filters are also very limited. The effects we are able to create with them are often applicable to images and limited to color manipulation and basic blurring. So, in order to create more powerful effects that we can apply to a wider range of elements, we’ll need a wider range of functions. These functions are available today —and have been available for over a decade— in SVG. In this article, which is the first in a series about SVG filters, you will learn about the SVG filter functions — known as “primitives” — and how to use them.

CSS filters are imported from SVG. They are fairly more optimized versions of a subset of filter effects present in SVG, and that have been around in the SVG specification for years.

There are more filters effects in SVG than there are in CSS, and the SVG versions are more powerful and capable of far more complex effects than their CSS shortcuts. For example, it is currently possible to blur an element using the CSS blur() filter function. Applying a blur effect using this function will create a uniform Gaussian Blur to the element it is applied to. The following image shows the result of applying a 6px blur to an image in CSS:

Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at 12.46.04

The blur() function creates a blur effect that is uniformly applied in both directions — X & Y — on the image. But this function is merely a simplified and limited shortcut for the blur filter primitive available in SVG, which allows us to blur an image either uniformly, or apply a one-directional blur effect along either the X- or the Y-axis.

The result of applying a blur along the x and y axes, respectively, using SVG filters.
The result of applying a blur along the x and y axes, respectively, using SVG filters.

SVG filters can be applied to HTML elements as well as SVG elements. An SVG filter effect can be applied to an HTML element in CSS using the url() filter function. For example, if you have a filter effect with an ID “myAwesomeEffect” defined in your SVG (we’ll talk about defining filters effects in SVG shortly), you can apply that effect to an HTML element or image like this:

.el {
   filter: url(#myAwesomeEffect);

Best of all, as you’re going to see in this series, SVG filters are capable of creating Photoshop-grade effects in the browser, using a few lines of code. I hope this series will help demystify and unlock part of SVG Filters’ potential and inspire you to start using them in your own projects.

But what about browser support, you ask..?

Browser Support

Browser support for the majority of SVG filters is impressively good. How an effect is applied may, however, vary across a few browsers depending on the browser support for the individual filter primitives used in the SVG filter effect, as well as depending on any possible browser bugs. Browser support may also vary when the SVG filter is applied to SVG elements versus HTML elements.

I would recommend that you treat filter effects as an enhancement: you can almost always apply an effect as an enhancement on top of a perfectly usable filter-less experience. (Those of you who know me would know that I endorse a progressive enhancement approach to building UIs whenever possible.) So, we won’t be too concerned about browser support in this series.

Lastly, even though SVG Filter support is generally good, do keep in mind that some of the effects we will cover later in the series may be considered experimental. I will mention any major issues or bugs if and when there are any.

So, how do you define and create a filter effect in SVG?

The <filter> Element

Just like linear gradients, masks, patterns, and other graphical effects in SVG, filters have a conveniently-named dedicated element: the <filter> element.

A <filter> element is never rendered directly; its only usage is as something that can be referenced using the filter attribute in SVG, or the url() function in CSS. Such elements (elements that are not rendered unless explicitly referenced) are usually defined as templates inside <defs> elements in SVG. But an SVG <filter> doesn’t need to be wrapped in a defs element. Whether you wrap the filter in a defs element or not, it will simply not be displayed.

The reason for that is that a filter requires a source image to work on, and unless you explicitly define that source image by calling the filter on that source image, it won’t have anything to render, and so it doesn’t.

A very basic, minimal code sample defining an SVG filter and applying it to a source image in SVG would look like this:

<svg width="600" height="450" viewBox="0 0 600 450">
    <filter id="myFilter">
        <!-- filter effects go in here -->
    <image xlink:href="..." 
           width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0"

The filter in the above code sample does nothing at this point because it is empty. In order to create a filter effect, you need to define a series of one or more filter operations that create that effect inside the filter. In other words, the filter element is a container to a series of filter operations that, combined, create a filter effect. These filter operations are called “Filter Primitives” in SVG.

Filter Primitives

So, in SVG, each <filter> element contains a set of filter primitives as its children. Each filter primitive performs a single fundamental graphical operation on one or more inputs, producing a graphical result.

A filter primitive is conveniently named after whatever graphical operation it performs. For example, the primitive that applies a Gaussian Blur effect to the source graphic is called feGaussianBlur. All primitives share the same prefix: fe, which is short for “filter effect”. (Again, names in SVG are conveniently chosen to resemble what an element is or does.)

The following snippet shows what a simple filter would look like if that filter were to apply a 5px Gaussian Blur to an image:

<svg width="600" height="450" viewBox="0 0 600 450"></feGaussianBlur>
    <filter id="myFilter">
        <feGaussianBlur stDeviation="5"></feGaussianBlur>
    <image xlink:href="..." 
           width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0"

There are currently 17 filter primitives defined in the SVG Filter specification that are capable of extremely powerful graphical effects, including but not limited to noise and texture generation, lighting effects, color manipulation (on a channel by channel basis), and more.

A filter primitive works by taking a source graphic as input and outputting another one. And the output of one filter effect can be used as input to another. This is very important and very powerful because it means that you have an almost countless combination of filter effects and therefore you can create an almost countless number of graphical effects.

Each filter primitive can take one or two inputs and output only one result. The input of a filter primitive is defined in an attribute called in. The result of an operation is defined in the result attribute. If the filter effect takes a second input, the second input is set in the in2 attribute. The result of an operation can be used as input to any other operation, but if the input of an operation is not specified in the in attribute, the result of the previous operation is automatically used as input. If you don’t specify the result of a primitive, its result will automatically be used as input to the primitive that follows. (This will become clearer as we start looking into code examples.)

In addition to using the result(s) of other primitives as input, a filter primitive also accepts other types of inputs, the most important of which are:

  • SourceGraphic: the element to which the entire filter is applied; for example, an image or a piece of text.
  • SourceAlpha: this is the same as the SourceGraphic, except that this graphic contains only the alpha channel of the element. For a JPEG image, for example, it is a black rectangle the size of the image itself.

You’ll find that you’ll sometimes want to use the source graphic as input and sometimes only its alpha channel. The examples we will cover in this post and the following posts will provide a clear understanding of when to use which.

This code snippet is an example of what a filter with a bunch of filter primitives as children could look like. Don’t worry about the primitives and what they do. At this point, just pay attention to how the inputs and outputs of certain primitives are being defined and used amongst them. I’ve added some comments to help.

<svg width="600" height="400" viewBox="0 0 850 650">
    <filter id=“filter">
        <feOffset in="SourceAlpha" dx="20" dy=“20"></feOffset>

        <!-- since the previous filter did not have a result defined and this following one 
        does not have the input set, the result of the above primitive is automatically used 
        as input to the following filter -->
        <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="10" result=“DROP"></feGaussianBlur>

        <!-- setting/defining the result names in all caps is a good way to make them more 
        distinguishable and the overall code more readable -->
        <feFlood flood-color="#000" result="COLOR"></feFlood>

        <!-- This primitive is using the outputs of the previous two primitives as 
        input, and outputting a new effect -->
        <feComposite in="DROP" in2="COLOR" operator="in" result="SHADOW1"></feComposite>

        <feComponentTransfer in="SHADOW1" result="SHADOW">
                <feFuncA type="table" tableValues="0 0.5"></feFuncA>

        <!-- You can use ANY two results as inputs to any primitive, regardless 
        of their order in the DOM.
        The following primitive is a good example of using two previously-generated 
        outputs as input. -->
            <feMergeNode in="SHADOW"></feMergeNode>
            <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>
    <image xlink:href="..." x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" filter="url(#filter)"></image>

Now, the last concept I want to cover briefly before moving to our first filter example is the concept of a Filter Region.

The Filter Region

The set of filter operations need a region to operate on— an area they can be applied to. For example, you may have a complex SVG with many elements and you want to apply the filter effect only to a specific region or one or a group of elements inside that SVG.

In SVG, elements have “regions” whose boundaries are defined by the borders of the element’s Bounding Box. The Bounding Box (also abbreviated “bbox“) is the smallest fitting rectangle around an element. So for example for a piece of text, the smallest fitting rectangle looks like the pink rectangle in the following image.

The smallest fitting rectangle around a piece of text.
The smallest fitting rectangle around a piece of text.

Note that this rectangle might include some more white space vertically because the line height of the text is taken into consideration when calculating the height of the bounding box.

The default filter region of an element is the element’s bounding box. So if you were to apply a filter effect to our piece of text, the effect will be restricted to this rectangle, and any filter result that lies beyond the boundaries of it will be clipped off. Albeit sensible, this is not very practical because many filters will impact pixels slightly outside the boundaries of the bounding box and, by default, those pixels will end up being cut off.

For example, if we apply a blur effect to our piece of text, you can see the blur getting cut off at the left and right edges of the text’s bounding box:

Image showing how The blur effect applied to the text is cut off on both the right and left side of the text’s bounding box area.
The blur effect applied to the text is cut off on both the right and left side of the text’s bounding box area.

So how do we prevent that from happening? The answer is: by extending the filter region. We can extend the region the filter is applied to by modifying the x, y, width and height attributes on the <filter> element.

According to the specification,

It is often necessary to provide padding space in the filter region because the filter effect might impact bits slightly outside the tight-fitting bounding box on a given object. For these purposes, it is possible to provide negative percentage values for ‘x’ and ‘y’, and percentage values greater than 100% for ‘width’ and ‘height’.

By default, filters have regions extending 10% the width and height of the bounding box in all four directions. In other words, the default values for the x, y, width and height attributes are as follows:

<filter x="-10%" y="-10%" width="120%" height="120%" 
    <!-- filter operations here -->

If you omit these attributes on the <filter> element, these values will be used by default. You can also override them to extend or shrink the region as you need.

One thing to keep in mind is that the units used in the x, y, width and height attributes are dependent on which filterUnits value is in use. The filterUnits attribute defines the coordinate system for the x, y, width and height attributes. It takes one of two values:

  • objectBoundingBox: this is the default value. When the filterUnits is objectBoundingBox, the values of the x, y, width and height attributes are percentages or fractions of the size of the element’s bounding box. This also means that you can use fractions as values instead of percentages if you prefer.
  • userSpaceOnUse: when filterUnits is set to userSpaceOnUse the coordinates of the x, y, width and height attributes are set relative to the current user coordinate system in use. In other words, it is relative to the current coordinate system in use in the SVG, which uses pixels as a unit and is, usually, relative to the size of the SVG itself, assuming the viewBox values matches that of the initial coordinate system. (You can learn all you need to know about coordinate systems in SVG in this post I wrote a few years ago.)
<!-- Using objectBoundingBox units -->
<filter id="filter" 
        x=“5%" y=“5%” width="100%" height=“100%”>

<!-- Using userSpaceOnUse units -->
<filter id=“filter" 
        x=“5px" y=“5px” width="500px" height="350px">

Quick Tip: Visualizing the current filter region with feFlood

If you ever need to see the extent of your filter region you can visualize it by flooding the filter region with color. Conveniently, a filter primitive called feFlood exists whose sole purpose is to do exactly that: fill the current filter region with a color that you specify in the flood-color attribute.

So, assuming we have a piece of text whose filter region we want to visualize, the code would look as simple as:

<svg width="600px" height="400px" viewBox="0 0 600 400">
    <filter id="flooder" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
        <feFlood flood-color="#EB0066" flood-opacity=".9"></feFlood>

    <text dx="100" dy="200" font-size="150" font-weight="bold" filter="url(#flooder)">Effect!</text>

As you can see in the above code snippet, the feFlood primitive also accepts a flood-opacity attribute which you can use to make the flood color layer translucent.

The above snippet floods the filter region with a pink color. But here is the thing: when you flood the region with color, you’re literally flooding it with color, meaning that the color will cover everything in the filter region, including any elements and effects you’ve created before, as well as the text itself. After all, this is what the definition of flooding is, right?

Before and after flooding the text's filter region with color.
Before and after flooding the text’s filter region with color.

In order to change that, we need to move the color layer to the “back” and show the source text layer on top.

Whenever you have multiple layers of content that you want to display on top of each other in an SVG filter, you can use the <feMerge> filter primitive. As its name suggests, the feMerge primitive is used to merge together layers of elements or effects.

The <feMerge> primitive does not have an in attribute. To merge layers, two or more <feMergeNode>s are used inside feMerge, each of which has its own in attribute that represents a layer that we want to add.

Layer (or “node”) stacking depends on the <feMergeNode> source order — the first <feMergeNode> will be rendered “behind” or “below” the second. The last <feMergeNode> represents the topmost layer. And so on.

So, in our text example, the flood color is a layer, and the source text (the source graphic) is another layer, and we want to place the text on top of the flood color. Our code will hence look like this:

<svg width="600px" height="400px" viewBox="0 0 600 400">
	<filter id="flooder">
		<feFlood flood-color="#EB0066" flood-opacity=".9" result="FLOOD"></feFlood>
				<feMergeNode in="FLOOD" />
				<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" />
	<text dx="100" dy="200" font-size="150" font-weight="bold" filter="url(#flooder)">Effect!</text>

Notice how I named the result of the feFlood in the result attribute so that I can reference that name in the <feMergeNode> as input. Since we want to display the source text on top of the flood color, we reference this text using SourceGraphic. The following is a live demo of the result:

See the Pen Filter Region Visualization with feFlood by Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan) on CodePen.light

Now that we’ve gotten a quick introduction into the world of SVG filters with this demo, let’s create a simple SVG drop shadow.

Applying a drop shadow to an image

Let me start with a quick disclaimer: you’re better off creating a simple drop shadow using the CSS drop-shadow() filter function. The SVG filter way is much more verbose. After all, as we mentioned earlier, the CSS filter functions are convenient shortcuts. But I want to cover this example anyway as a simple entry point to the more complex filter effects we’ll cover in the coming articles.

So, how is a drop shadow made?

A drop shadow is usually a light-gray layer behind—or underneath—an element, that has the same form (or shape) as the element itself. In other words, you can think of it as a blurred gray copy of the element.

When creating SVG filters, we need to think in steps. What steps are needed to achieve a particular effect? For a drop shadow, a blurred gray copy of the element can be created by blurring a black copy of the element and then colorizing that black copy (making it gray). Then that newly created blurred grey copy is positioned behind the source element, and offset a little in both directions.

So we’re going to start by getting a black copy of our element and blurring it. The black copy can be created by using the alpha channel of the element, using SourceAlpha as input to our filter.

The feGaussianBlur primitive will be used to apply a Gaussian blur to that SourceAlpha layer. The amount of blur you need is specified in the stdDeviation (short for: Standard Deviation) attribute. If you provide one value to the stdDeviation attribute, that value will be used to apply a uniform blur to the input. You can also provide two numerical values— the first will be used to blur the element in the horizontal direction and the second will be used to apply a vertical blur. For a drop shadow, we need to apply a uniform blur, so our code will start with this:

<svg width="600" height="400" viewBox="0 0 850 650">
    <filter id="drop-shadow">

        <-- Grab a blakc copy of the source image and blur it by 10 -->
        <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="10" result="DROP"></feGaussianBlur>

    <image xlink:href="..." x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" filter="url(#drop-shadow)"></image>

The above code snippet results in the following effect, where only the blurred alpha channel of the image is rendered at this point:

screenshot of the filter effect after applying a drop shadow to the alpha channel of the image

Next, we want to change the color of the drop shadow and make it grey. We will do that by applying a flood color to the filter region and then compositing that flood color layer with the drop shadow layer we have created.

Compositing is the combining of a graphic element with its backdrop. A backdrop is the content behind the element and is what the element is composited with. In our filter, the Flood color is the upper layer, and the blurred shadow is its backdrop (because it lies behind it). We will see the feComposite primitive more in the upcoming articles, so if you’re not familiar with what compositing is and how it works, I have a very comprehensive introductory article on my blog that I recommend checking out.

The feComposite primitive has an operator attribute which is used to specify which composite operation we want to use.

By using the in composite operator, the flood color layer will be “cropped” and only the area of the color that overlaps with our shadow layer will be rendered, and the two layers will be blended where they intersect, which means that the grey color will be used to colorize our black drop shadow.

The feComposite primitive requires two inputs to operate on, specified in the in and in2 attributes. The first input is our color layer, and the second input is our blurred shadow backdrop. With the composite operation specified in the operator attribute, our code now looks like this:

<svg width="600" height="400" viewBox="0 0 850 650">
    <filter id="drop-shadow">
        <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="10" result="DROP"></feGaussianBlur>

        <feFlood flood-color="#bbb" result="COLOR"></feFlood>

        <feComposite in="COLOR" in2="DROP" operator="in" result="SHADOW"></feComposite>

    <image xlink:href="..." x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" filter="url(#drop-shadow)"></image>

Notice how the results of the feGaussianBlur and the feFlood primitives are used as inputs for feComposite. Our demo now looks like this:

the result of colorizing the drop shadow using feFlood and feComposite

Before we layer our original image on top of the drop shadow, we want to offset the latter vertically and/or horizontally. How much you offset the shadow and in which direction is completely up to you. For this demo, I’ll assume we have a source light coming from the top left corner of our screen, so I will move it by a few pixels down to the right.

To offset a layer in SVG, we use the feOffset primitive. In addition to the in and result attributes, this primitive takes two main attributes: dx and dy, which determine the distance by which you want to offset the layer along the x and y axes, respectively.

After offsetting the drop shadow, we will merge it with the source image using feMerge, similar to how we merged the text and flood color in the previous section— one mergeNode will take our drop shadow as input, and another mergeNode will layer the source image using SourceGraphic as input. Our final code now looks like this:

<svg width="600" height="400" viewBox="0 0 850 650">
    <filter id="drop-shadow">
        <!-- Get the source alpha and blur it; we'll name the result "DROP"  -->
        <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="10" result="DROP"></feGaussianBlur>

        <!-- flood the region with a ligh grey color; we'll name this layer "COLOR" -->
        <feFlood flood-color="#bbb" result="COLOR"></feFlood>

        <!-- Composite the DROP and COLOR layers together to colorize the shadow. The result is named "SHADOW"  -->
        <feComposite in="COLOR" in2="DROP" operator="in" result="SHADOW"></feComposite>

        <!-- Move the SHADOW layer 20 pixels down and to the right. The new layer is now called "DROPSHADOW"  -->
        <feOffset in="SHADOW" dx="20" dy="20" result="DROPSHADOW"></feOffset>

        <!-- Layer the DROPSHADOW and the Source Image, ensuring the image is positioned on top (remember: MergeNode order matters)  -->
            <feMergeNode in="DROPSHADOW"></feMergeNode>
            <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>

    <!-- Apply the filter to the source image in the `filter` attribute -->
    <image xlink:href="..." x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" filter="url(#drop-shadow)"></image>

And the following is a live demo of the above code:

See the Pen Drop Shadow: Tinted shadow with feComposite by Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan) on CodePen.light

And that is how you apply a filter effect in SVG using SVG filters. You’ll find that this effect works across all major browsers.

There is another way…

There is another, more common way of creating a drop shadow. Instead of creating a black shadow and applying color to it to make it lighter, you could apply transparency to it, thus making it translucent and, consequently, lighter.

In the previous demo, we learned how to apply color to the drop shadow using feFlood, which is a coloring technique you’ll probably find yourself needing and using often. This is why I thought it was necessary to cover. It is also useful to learn because this is the way to go if you want to create a shadow that, for whatever reason, has a colorful shadow, for example, instead of a black or grey one.

In order to change the opacity of a layer, you can use either the feColorMatrix primitive or the feComponentTransfer primitive. I’ll talk about the feComponentTransfer primitive in more detail in upcoming articles, so I’ll use feColorMatrix to reduce the opacity for our shadow now.

The feColorMatrix primitive deserves an article of its own. For now, I highly recommend reading Una Kravet’s article which is a great introduction with really good examples.

In short, this filter applies a matrix transformation to the R(Red), G(Green), B(Blue), and A(Alpha) channels of every pixel in the input graphic to produce a result with a new set of color and alpha values. In other words, you use a matrix operation to manipulate the colors of your object. A basic color matrix looks like this:

<filter id="myFilter">
      values="R 0 0 0 0
              0 G 0 0 0
              0 0 B 0 0
              0 0 0 A 0 "/>

Once again I recommend checking Una’s article out to learn more about this syntax.

Since we only want to reduce the opacity of our shadow, we will use an identity matrix that does not alter the RGB channels, but we will reduce the value of the alpha channel in that matrix:

<filter id="filter">

        <!-- Get the source alpha and blur it,  -->
        <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="10" result="DROP"></feGaussianBlur>

        <!-- offset the drop shadow  -->
        <feOffset in="SHADOW" dx="20" dy="20" result="DROPSHADOW"></feOffset>

        <!-- make the shadow translucent by reducing the alpha channel value to 0.3  -->
        <feColorMatrix type="matrix" in="DROPSHADOW" result="FINALSHADOW" 
                                  values="1 0 0 0 0 
					  0 1 0 0 0 
					  0 0 1 0 0 
					  0 0 0 0.3 0">

        <!-- Merge the shadow and the source image  -->
            <feMergeNode in="FINALHADOW"></feMergeNode>
            <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>

And this is our live demo:

See the Pen Drop Shadow: Translucent shadow with feColorMatrix by Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan) on CodePen.light

Final Words

In this series, I will try to steer away from the very technical definitions of filter operations and stick to simplified and friendly definitions. Often, you don’t need to get into the gnarly little details of what happens under the hood, so getting into those details would only add to the complexity of the articles, possibly make them less digestible, and would bring little benefit. Understanding what a filter does and how to use it is more than enough, in my opinion, to take advantage of what it has to offer. If you do want to get into more details, I recommend consulting the specification to start. That said, the spec may prove to be of little help, so you’ll probably end up doing your own research on the side. I’ll provide a list of excellent resources for further learning in the final article of this series.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of SVG filters and how to create and apply one, we will look into more examples of effects using more filter primitives in the upcoming articles. Stay tuned.

SVG Filters 101 was written by Sara Soueidan and published on Codrops.

Awesome Demos from 2018


Today we’d like to share a collection of our favorite demos and experiments from 2018. This is just a small number compared to all the fantastic stuff that was made and shared in 2018, but we hope you enjoy this little selection of our favorite picks.

Please note that a lot of these demos are experimental and will require a modern browser to work.

Simplex Flower Generator by Jack Rugile


Jelly by Adam Brooks


Repellers by Johan Karlsson

Repellers by the team of Makemepulse

Only CSS: Infinite Steps by Yusuke Nakaya


This alter world by Gerard Ferrandez


CSS Space Shooter by Michael Bromley


Psychedelic waves by Karim Maaloul


Stinkmoji by Stink Studios


Song Maker by the Chrome Music Lab


The Chameleon from Null Island by kittons


Neural Drum Machine by Tero Parviainen


Toon Shading by Misaki Nakano


Wiggly Squiggly by Steve Gardner


Skin and Eye Rendering by David Lenaerts


Perlin Noise by yasaisai


Only CSS: 404 Rolling Box by Yusuke Nakaya


Lost Without You by Jack Rugile and Nicolle Witte


VHS Effects (regl) by halvves


Pure CSS 4 Designers by Julia Muzafarova


Pure CSS Francine by Diana Smith


Pin Screen by Johan Karlsson


Pure CSS watch animation by Grzegorz Witczak


Line Lisa by Nikita Dubko


Going Home by 302 chanwoo


Heraclos by students of GOBELINS Paris


Solids by Dave DeSandro


Thank You by Liam Egan


Tenori-off by Monica Dinculescu


Ghost Mouse by Liam Egan


Track by Little Workshop


Isometric eCommerce CSSGrid by Andy Barefoot


Halftone Effect by Misaki Nakano


Zippity Zappity (SVG) by Steve Gardner


Pure CSS Stack by Ben Szabo


Little Big City by Yi Shen


Pure CSS Moustached Nanny by Julia Muzafarova


Dot Menu Animations by Tamino Martinius


Fake 3D effect with depth map by Robin Delaporte


CSS Snake & Ladders by Alvaro Montoro


Perlin Noise by Victor Vergara


Pure CSS The Carlton Dance by Grzegorz Witczak


Exoplanet Explorer by Thomas Van Glabeke


How Many Steps Does It Take To Get From Me To You? by Jase Smith


Bellwoods by Matt DesLauriers


HyperMorph 3000™ by Andreas Borgen


Interplanetary Postal Service by Sebastian Macke


Ripple Mouse (with plasma) by Liam Egan


Lissajous Table – Pannable by Jacob Foster

Falling by Yuan Chuan

Dragon Snake by Thomas Hooper


Color Changing Chameleon by Cassie Evans


#codevember – 1 – Infinity by Johan Karlsson

Have you ever been lonely? by Gerard Ferrandez and Angelo Plessas


Layerscape by André Mattos


Fashion concept by Jesper Landberg


Jellyfish by Rafael Castro Couto


My journey had lasted seven hours by Gerard Ferrandez


#codevember – 15 – Flame by Liam Egan


Laser Bag Pipe by Lars Berg


Flameout by Rye Terrell


#codevember — bread by Noel Delgado


Canvas Proximity Mask by Ricardo Mendieta


Astray 2 by Rye Terrell


Electricity by Vicente Lucendo


Dreamsynth by odbol


Happy Shopper by Lars Berg


Tiny Explorer by Rachel Richardson


Pure CSS Pink by Diana Smith


Mikuboard by Daniwell


Under by Weston C. Beecroft


Choir by David Li


Retro Pixel by Misaki Nakano


Glimmer by Nicolas Riciotti


Spotify Wrapped Animation using GSAP by Peter Barr


Sandspiel by Max Bittker


HyperSpace Jump by Ricardo Mendieta


Magic sketchpad by Monica Dinculescu


Flame in the wind by Blake Bowen

Infinite Gift by Jaume Sanchez Elias


Awesome Demos from 2018 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Inspirational Websites from 2018


During this year we’ve been collecting some truly awesome website designs that were full of amazing interactions and innovative effects. Melting distortion effects and custom cursors were big this year. Today we’d like to share this compilation of sites we loved the most in 2018. If you follow the Collective you might recognize some that we chose as Inspirational Website of the Week.

We hope you enjoy this selection and find it inspirational!

Analytica Projects


Ben Mingo


Active Theory


Kadir Inan





Robin Payot






Mutt Agency




Mustafa Çelik




The Mads


Mathis Biabiany


The Shift


Célia Lopez


Barovier & Toso


Fazeta Producciones




Kenta Toshikura







Julie Bonnemoy




Garden Eight


Robin Mastromarino


Louis Ansa






Eat Genesis


KIKK Festival 2018





Dean Bradshaw Photography




Aristide Benoist


Femme & Fierce


De Buris Amarone Riserva


New Land





Awwwards Conference


Florent Biffi


PART Architects



Inspirational Websites from 2018 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.