Top 10 Platforms To Get Free and Good Quality Datasets

If “the data is the new oil” then there is a lot of free oil just waiting to be used. And you can do some pretty interesting things with that data, like finding the answer to the question: Is Buffalo, New York really that cold in the winter?

There is plenty of free data out there, ready to be used for school projects, market research, or just for fun. Before you go crazy, however, you should be aware of the quality of the data you find. Here are some great sources of free data and some ways to determine their quality.

10 Open Data Sources You Need to Know

Think about when you completed your last significant data project. How much time did you spend collecting, curating, and engineering datasets? 

I’ve found that finding the perfect dataset to complete your story or analysis can often be the most difficult part of the process. I recently spent a considerable amount of time researching specific US wildfire and forestry data to support a new analysis and visualization series. I was unsuccessful – until my colleague sent me to the California Forest Observatory and I found exactly what I needed.  

An Introduction to 5 Types of Image Annotation

Looking for information on the different image annotation types? In the world of AI and machine learning, data is king. Without data, there can be no data science. For AI developers and researchers to achieve the ambitious goals of their projects, they need access to enormous amounts of high-quality data. In regards to image data, one major field of machine learning that requires large amounts of annotated images in computer vision.

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NumHub: A Wikipedia for Data

In this interview, I’m talking with Andrey Pyankov, founder of NumHub, which is a community-driven database of numbers, statistics, market research, industry metrics, and financial data. You can find numbers ranging from Google quarterly revenue to M&M's color distribution.

All the information on NumHub is gathered by a community of analysts and researchers, and you can request data be gathered for your research or presentations.