5 DevOps Tools To Add to Your Stack in 2022

DevOps has fundamentally changed the way software is developed. It has further paved the way for creating faster, flexible, and more collaborative development and delivery processes. Thus, new and exciting DevOps tools emerge each year to improve existing workflows or introduce new functionality to the DevOps process. In this article, let’s have a look at five DevOps tools you can add to your tech stack in 2022.


Modern workloads are becoming more complex than ever. Therefore, these workloads need to be distributed in different environments from the cloud, on-premise, and edge, depending on the requirement. Managing multiple different environments has become commonplace, with multi-cloud being a popular option to distribute workloads while maintaining flexibility. However, it will add increased management overhead to the DevOps process. Anthos aims to solve this issue by providing a unified platform to manage applications in on-premises, edge, and multi-cloud platforms.

7 Essential Tools for SREs


Mastering the concepts at the core of reliability is the first step in becoming an SRE. But you also need tools to put those concepts into practice.

Which types of tools do SREs need to do their jobs? And what are the best tools in each category? This article answers these questions by discussing what SREs should think about when building their toolbox. It walks through the key categories of tools for SREs to leverage and suggests specific options in each one.