Java Records vs. Lombok

Java for a lot of time has been accused and mocked for its verbosity. Even the most passionate Java developers have to admit that it felt ridiculous to declare a bean class with two attributes. If you follow the right recommendations, you end up adding not only getters and setters, but also the implementations of toString hashcode and equals methods. The final result is a chunk of boilerplate that invites you to start learning another language. 

import java.util.Objects;

public class Car {

   private String brand;
   private String model;
   private int year;

   public String getBrand() {
      return brand;

   public void setBrand(String brand) {
      this.brand = brand;

   public String getModel() {
      return model;

   public void setModel(String model) {
      this.model = model;

   public int getYear() {
      return year;

   public void setYear(int year) {
      this.year = year;

   public String toString() {
      return "Car{" +
              "brand='" + brand + '\'' +
              ", model='" + model + '\'' +
              ", year=" + year +

   public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (this == o) return true;
      if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
      Car car = (Car) o;
      return year == car.year && Objects.equals(brand, car.brand) && Objects.equals(model, car.model);

   public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hash(brand, model, year);

CockroachDB TIL: Volume 6

This is my series of articles covering short "Today I learned" topics as I work with CockroachDB.

Topic 1: Cockroach Init Container

Use init container to initialize Cockroach and exit, you no longer need to explicitly run init when you bring up CockroachDB.

Exploring CockroachDB with ipython-sql and Jupyter Notebook

Today, I will demonstrate how ipython-sql can be leveraged in querying CockroachDB.  This will require a secure instance of CockroachDB for the reasons I will explain below. 

Running a secure docker-compose instance of CRDB is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Instead, I will publish everything you need to get through the tutorial in my repo, including the Jupyter Notebook. You may also use CRDB docs to stand up a secure instance and change the URL in the notebook to follow along.

This post will dive deeper into the Python ecosystem and build on my previous Python post. Instead of reliance on pandas alone, we're going to use a popular SQL extension called ipython-sql, a.k.a. SQLmagic to execute SQL queries against CRDB.

As stated earlier, we need to use a secure instance of CockroachDB. In fact, from this point forward, I will attempt to write posts only with secure clusters, as that's the recommended approach. Ipython-sql uses sqlalchemy underneath and it expects database URLs in the format postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/dbname. CockroachDB does not support password fields with insecure clusters, as passwords alone will not protect your data.

10 Best Practices for Ajax Implementations

Ajax technology implementation optimizes efficiency and aids in building better as well as more interactive web applications.

Ajax technology implementation is a collection of web development methods that creates asynchronous web applications by combining several professional web services. This technology allows the use of web applications to transmit and receive data dynamically without disturbing the display of the whole page. Its benefits are similar to that of WordPress.