What Is a Vector Database?

In this introductory article, we’ll introduce concepts related to the vector database, a new type of technology designed to store, manage, and search embedding vectors. Vector databases are being used in an increasingly large number of applications, including but not limited to image search, recommender system, text understanding, video summarization, drug discovery, stock market analysis, and much more.

Relational Is Not Enough

Data is everywhere. In the early days of the internet, data was mostly structured, and could easily be stored and managed in relational databases. Take, for example, a book database:

How to Choose a Suitable Type of Database for Mobile Apps?

Mobile apps are the most important components of a smartphone, which is why every mobile app needs to possess both the best offline and online capabilities, as well as synchronization, which is the key to a successful mobile app. Mobile apps are widely used for different types of purposes, and thousands of apps are created every day. Each app has to perform to its fullest to get noticed and stay on top all the time.

No matter what purpose an app targets, if it doesn't work well and relate to the audience, it won't be used. Or it will be downloaded and then removed with no mercy. This is why syncing the right database for your mobile app is a quite substantial aspect of high-performance mobile apps. A suitable database makes sure your app stays reliable, responsive, and competitive under all circumstances.