Walmart and eBay Electronic Brand Analysis Using SerpAPI

To compare Walmart and eBay, it is noted that eBay is better than Walmart in selling electronics of all brands. And reviews are one of the best factors to consider in stocking products on a selling platform. Let's deep dive into how to use SerpApi to extract, visualize, analyze, and draw conclusions about this data.


  1. Python 3.x.x
  2. VS Code/Jupyter Notebook

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Big Data Development and Its Value to the World

Big data has become an integral part of many life spheres of the world and continues to emerge from its borders. Regardless of the initial doubts and mistrust towards the term, big data has established itself as a stable development direction. According to recent research, the big data market will be worth $109 billion by 2027.

With such growth, the big data development sphere will see more innovations, talents, and variety. Thus, to stay on the top of the game, developers need to be aware of the chief directions of big data development and the exact application areas. Here, we will review:

Using Python to Find Angles Where Graphs of Bessel Functions Cross

A previous post of mine looked at the angles that graphs make when they cross. For example, sin() and cos(x) always cross with the same angle. The same holds for sin() and cos(kx) since the k simply rescales the x-axis.

The post ended with wondering about functions analogous to sine and cosine, such as Bessel functions. This post will look at that question in more detail. Specifically we'll look at the functions Jν and Yν.