7 Steps To Improve Data Security During Cloud Migration

In 2020, there were over 1,001 reported cases of data breaches in the United States alone. In today’s market, data is now the most important asset for all industries. It’s critical to protect this asset at all costs with comprehensive data security, whether you are migrating to the cloud or maintaining your on-premise servers.

Unfortunately, during the cloud migration process, there are times where data is vulnerable and exposed. Consider this case study of Keepnet Lab’s Data Breach, where the contractor turned off the firewall for ten minutes while migrating to ElasticSearch. This move exposed the database to attackers who breached over 5 billion data records. 

Overcoming OWASP’s Sensitive Data Exposure Risk Through Application-layer Data Encryption

Developers face a number of challenges and pressures when creating an application — most obviously, the need to meet release deadlines. When approaching a looming deadline, security is sometimes deprioritized, so the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten list was created as an easy reference for developers to learn about major web application security issues and to use as a starting point when performing security assessments.

OWASP is one of the more well-known and highly regarded organizations in the cybersecurity space. This nonprofit is dedicated to improving the state of web application security by bringing attention to the most common and impactful security issues.