SerpApi YouTube Data Extraction Tool

With many people shifting to digital online broadcasting, the platform has grown exponentially. YouTube data has become a major part of the analysis in machine learning and data analytics. Using SerpApi, we will extract YouTube data and query it for analysis.


The product is easy to use and flexible to tailor across multiple YouTube content depending on the field of interest. However, one will require a mid-level knowledge and understanding of:

Walmart and eBay Electronic Brand Analysis Using SerpAPI

To compare Walmart and eBay, it is noted that eBay is better than Walmart in selling electronics of all brands. And reviews are one of the best factors to consider in stocking products on a selling platform. Let's deep dive into how to use SerpApi to extract, visualize, analyze, and draw conclusions about this data.


  1. Python 3.x.x
  2. VS Code/Jupyter Notebook

Import Libraries

109 Data Science Interview Questions and Answers

Preparing for an interview is not easy. There is significant uncertainty regarding the data science interview questions you will be asked. No matter how much work experience or what data science certificate you have, an interviewer can throw you off with a set of questions that you didn’t expect.

During a data science interview, the interviewer will ask questions spanning a wide range of topics, requiring both strong technical knowledge and solid communication skills from the interviewee. Your statistics, programming, and data modeling skills will be put to the test through a variety of questions and question styles that are intentionally designed to keep you on your feet and force you to demonstrate how you operate under pressure.