4 Key Data Modeling Tools

Every day quintillion bytes of data are created, and this pace is accelerating at a daily rate. With so much information at our disposal, it is becoming increasingly important for organizations and enterprises to access and analyze the relevant data to predict outcomes and improve services. In order to access the data properly and extract the most out of it, it is essential to model your data correctly. Data modeling tools become critical here because they enable organizations to make data-driven decisions and meet varied business goals.

What is Data Modeling?

Data modeling is the process of visualizing and representing data for storage in a data warehouse. The modeling itself can include diagrams, symbols, or text to represent data and the way that it interrelates. Because of the structure that data modeling imposes upon data, the process of data modeling subsequently increases consistency in naming, rules, semantics, and security, while also improving data analytics. The goal is to illustrate the types of data used and stored within the system, the relationships among these data types, the ways the data can be grouped and organized and its formats and attributes.

Data Modeling Tools Detailed Comparison

A data modeling tool or a database modeling tool is an application that helps data modelers to create and design databases structureThus, data modeling tools make the Data modeling process easier and provide many features that help data modelers to understand their data. 

Actuallythere are many different data modeling tools available for different database platforms. This multitude of tools available makes it very difficult to choose a tool that suits the user's needs.  

Comparison of MS SQL Server Data Modeling Tools: Data Types

Comparison of MS SQL Server Data Modeling Tools

This table lists the most widely used data modeling tools currently in use. Tools are compared to Microsoft SQL Server (MSS) supported type. Note that the comparison concerns the support of the 2016 and 2017 SSM version.

  Dezign for Databases 10.0.2


Starting a Data Model With Repods

Repods is a data platform that can create and manage data pods. These pods are compact data warehouses with flexible storage, vCores, memory, and all required tooling. You can manage personal data projects, work together in a private team, or collaborate on open data in public data pods.

Before we start

Before creating a data pod, it is important to be aware of the scope of information that we have and need for our analysis. The goal is to create a data model that closely reflects the business entities of the subject area, without focusing on how reports are going to be created or how we are going to fill this data model with the given data. A good place to start is by answering the following questions: