Two Data Points the VP of Engineering Should Show the CEO Every Week

β€œAre we on track to deliver XYZ feature by the deadline?” 

For software development leaders, this is the question we get most. We get it from the CEO. We get it from the other VPs. We get it over Slack from the PMs and SREs. We get it from our technical support leads as we pass them in the hallway. We get it by text message early in the morning from a sales rep who is on-site with a big prospect. 

Three Business Benefits of a Data-Driven Organization

Data is the new oil for forward-looking businesses to unlock the full potential of an entire organization, allowing all business units to make data-driven business decisions, and deliver personalized digital experiences to customers and stakeholders.

What Is Being a Data-Driven Enterprise All About?

Data-driven businesses rely on huge volumes of data – and smart analytics – to bolster and speed up business decision-making processes. By executing predictive data analytics, organizations can have superior data insights. Smarter and superior analytics technologies now empower businesses of all sizes to become more data-driven than ever before.