Data Integrity: A Data-Driven Organization’s Biggest Concern

In the InsideView Alignment Report 2020, more than 70 percent of revenue leaders rank data management as the highest priority. Although many organizations have implemented a system for data collection and analysis, their biggest concern is now maintaining the integrity of their data.

The term "data integrity" is sometimes used as a process or a state of data. Either way, it refers to data being accurate, valid, and consistent across all data sources.

Engineering Productivity and Culture at Netflix

What is it like to work at Netflix as a developer? How do they think about culture, customers and engineering productivity?

In this incredible episode of Dev Interrupted, I bring in Kathryn Koehler, the Director of Productivity Engineering at Netflix, to chat about what makes Netflix so unique and why they are standardizing data-driven engineering today.

What it Means to Be a Data-Driven Enterprise and How to Become One

What is a data-driven organizationIn today's digital economy, it is generally understood that businesses must become data-driven enterprises to improve business performance, create sustainable value for consumers, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses to deliver unprecedented levels of performance to remain competitive.

But How Exactly Does a Business Become Data-Driven Enterprise?

According to the McKinsey Global Institute report, data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, 6 times as likely to retain those customers, and 19 times more likely to gain in profitability.

Three Traps That Stifle Modern Enterprise Integration

A string of good decisions can easily propel a garage-born startup to greatness. But a few bad ones can bring even the most formidable organization to its knees. The key to minimizing costly decisions while maximizing profit-yielding ones is to make data the bedrock of your decision-making.

Top companies have been making data-driven decisions for a long time. Amazon, Box, Workday, Adobe, and other industry leaders have enjoyed huge success as a result of putting their faith in data over instinct.