The Role of Relays In Big Data Integration

The very nature of big data integration requires an organization to become more flexible in some ways; particularly when gathering input and metrics from such varied sources as mobile apps, browser heuristics, A / V input, software logs, and more. The number of different methodologies, protocols, and formats that your organization needs to ingest while complying with both internal and government-mandated standards can be staggering.

Is there a clean and discreet way to achieve fast data integration and still reap all of the benefits of big data analytics?

An Insight Into Data Connectivity Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Data connectivity is the ability to connect one or more servers and clients so as to transfer huge volumes of data between them. Data connectivity and the demand for it has been changing the way we live and work. We dwell in a connected world in which data connectivity helps us communicate, conduct business, travel from one place to another and help us stay informed. The quest for using data effectively and innovatively has increased the need for reliable and robust data connectivity so that the enterprises can analyze the data and make intelligent business decisions when need be.

The evolving technologies such as 5G, virtual reality, artificial intelligence systems, robots, drones - all of these need better data connectivity. Albeit the fact that data connectivity is extremely important, it is complex and poses challenges aplenty. This article talks about data connectivity challenges and the strategies to overcome them.