Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: Hidden Potential and Challenges

Data is a business gold mine for organizations, yet many companies struggle to unlock its complete potential. Through data, organizations can gain a better understanding of their operations and customers. Acting on the data to make informed business decisions is not necessarily a straightforward process. A data-driven organization can glean deep insights from data to update internal processes and respond directly to market feedback and improve their customer relationships. A data-driven organization can also leverage data to identify to create value for their consumers.

Statista predicts that by 2022, the big data and analytics market will reach 274 billion dollars. Organizations are playing a vital role in the exponential growth of data by utilizing Big Data technologies for analytics to become data-driven. In this article, we will explore how organizations can benefit from data and what challenges they face in the process. 

How to Erase or Wipe Sensitive Files From Hard Drive

When you want to erase sensitive data from your hard drive permanently, make sure it is not recoverable in any manner. You can try permanent deletion that includes, erasing or ‘wiping’ data using various overwriting techniques. In this article, we've shared the best effective methods to wipe hard drive data beyond the scope of recovery.

We all keep some personal data on our devices. But, storage devices, like hard drives, have a lifespan after which, they may fail to perform, and you may want to dispose them. You may also want to donate or share your device with your friends or family. Whatever the situation is, you must wipe the hard drive to prevent any unauthorized access.

Advice for Threat Hunting

Threat... hunted.

We had the opportunity to speak to Greg Bell, CEO,  Brian Dye, CPO, and Alan Saldich, CMO of Corelight during the IT Press Tour in San Francisco. Corelight is the enterprise offering of Zeek (formerly Bro) initially developed to protect the severe environment of the Department of Energy and the Energy Sciences Network including the NERSC supercomputing facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Want to see where threat hunting fits in with the broader security landscape? Check out The Future of Security, Part One.

The threat hunting workflow includes: