Getting Started With Real-Time Analytics

Real-time analytics is necessary for any business that needs to make decisions in hours, minutes, or seconds. Implementing real-time analytics requires processing high volumes of input data and matching it with existing data in minutes, seconds, or even less time. This Refcard aims to acquaint readers with real-time analytics, where it is used, how it works, and the challenges involved.

Why Mutability Is Essential for Real-Time Data Analytics

Successful data-driven companies like Uber, Facebook, and Amazon rely on real-time analytics. Personalizing customer experiences for e-commerce, managing fleets and supply chains, and automating internal operations require instant insights into the freshest data.

To deliver real-time analytics, companies need a modern technology infrastructure that includes three things:

How To Ensure Data Transparency and Why It’s Important

Data transparency is more important than ever before, with more people going online amid surging cyberthreats. Consumers are becoming more aware and critical of how software and websites use their data. More than a few companies have gotten bad publicity due to a lack of transparency about user data. 

How can developers ensure they are providing good data transparency? A few key tactics will help.

Everything You Need to Know About Time Series Analysis

In business, you need to know how your business is doing day-to-day. In order to understand the health of your company, many turns to data analytics. Time series analysis can give valuable insight into what has happened over the course of days, weeks, months, or even years. With this form of analytics, you can learn if your company is making more money during the summer months or at the beginning of the fiscal year. You can also analyze weather data to see if winter storms caused any loss in revenue. 

Some questions that time series analysis can answer are: How many customers come into the store every day? How much revenue has the business generated over the last few weeks? What is the probability of rain tomorrow? It could be helpful in planning future actions, saving money, and ensuring quality.

The Top 4 Benefits of Embedded Analytics

You have probably heard about embedded analytics and the booming demand for business intelligence insights that are derived from it. But what exactly is embedded analytics?

Embedded analytics brings real-time, interactive data visualizations, and business intelligence capabilities directly into commercial applications – creating contextual data that improves the usability of data for business users.

Data Governance and Data Management


Enterprises that dont embrace data or are late to the party face serious consequences compared to early adopters. As to talking about good data practices, most people associate the word with only a few of the multitude of practices that constitute a successfully run, data-driven enterprise.   

Besides data analysis, data management is what readily comes to mind. Though equally universal — and perhaps are even more critical — data practice is the practice of data governance.   

Boost Visual Analytics Dashboard User Experience with Parameters

Advanced analytics, business intelligence (BI), and the data that drives them are largely unused by the organizations that invest heavily in their promise. Industry insiders and analysts took notice of these trends and have reported on them regularly in recent years. According to Gartner, 97 percent of organizational data goes unused, and 87 percent of organizations have low levels of BI and advanced analytical maturity.

Many factors contribute to these challenges, and we're not going to pretend that we know them all or that there's an easy fix. Yet, our users have shown us that enhanced usability and a focused approach to analytics dashboard software can improve application stickiness.

8 Things to Consider When Choosing an Embedded Analytics Vendor

Choosing an embedded analytics vendor is not an easy task. There are so many solutions available on the market that it is overwhelming. How can you make the best decision and ensure you invest in a solution that is really going to make an impact?

The truth is that there is no straight answer. In fact, the right answer is a combination of a couple of right answers, and of course, your specific business needs.

10 Open Data Sources You Need to Know

Think about when you completed your last significant data project. How much time did you spend collecting, curating, and engineering datasets? 

I’ve found that finding the perfect dataset to complete your story or analysis can often be the most difficult part of the process. I recently spent a considerable amount of time researching specific US wildfire and forestry data to support a new analysis and visualization series. I was unsuccessful – until my colleague sent me to the California Forest Observatory and I found exactly what I needed.  

Building a High-Performance Data Lake Using Apache Hudi and Alluxio at T3Go

T3Go is China’s first platform for smart travel based on the Internet of Vehicles. In this article, Trevor Zhang and Vino Yang from T3Go describe the evolution of their data lake architecture, built on cloud-native or open-source technologies including Alibaba OSS, Apache Hudi, and Alluxio. Today, their data lake stores petabytes of data, supporting hundreds of pipelines and tens of thousands of tasks daily. It is essential for business units at T3Go including Data Warehouse, Internet of Vehicles, Order Dispatching, Machine Learning, and self-service query analysis.

In this blog, you will see how we slashed data ingestion time by half using Hudi and Alluxio. Furthermore, data analysts using Presto, Hudi, and Alluxio saw the queries speed up by 10 times. We built our data lake based on data orchestration for multiple stages of our data pipeline, including ingestion and analytics.

How Carbon Uses PrestoDB With Ahana to Power Real-Time Customer Dashboards

The author, Jordan Hoggart, was not compensated by Ahana for this review.

The Background

At the base of Carbon’s real-time, first-party data platform is our analytics component, which combines a range of behavioral, contextual, and revenue data, which is then displayed within a dashboard in a series of charts, graphs, and breakdowns to give a visual representation of the most important actionable data. Whilst we pre-calculate as much of the information as possible, there are different filters that allow users to drill deeper into the data, which makes querying critical.

Top 10 Data Analytics Trends That Will Boom Your Business

“Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.” - Geoffrey Moore, Author of Crossing the Chasm Inside the Tornado

Without analytics, your company is vulnerable because analytics gives you valuable insight into what is and is not working. If your company doesn’t understand what mistakes it has made with its business decision-making, marketing performance, or customer interactions, it will keep on making those same errors. Data analytics helps business decision-makers position themselves in the industry and identify in which fields in their products and services are needed, why sales may have decreased or increased, and where there may be an opportunity in the market.

How to Traceroute With Geolocation Information in Fedora

You can always traceroute an IP address in Fedora using the standard traceroute command. However, if you are looking to find out more about each hop’s geolocation information inside the trace, you should consider using the IP2Trace command tool. 

In addition to the geolocation information, such as country, region, city, latitude, and longitude, IP2Trace also provides you with the ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name, area code, weather, mobile information, elevation, and usage type of an IP address. The type of data returned will depend on the IP2Location BIN data that you are using for the lookup, which can be downloaded for free.

Unifying Data Into a Single Source of Truth for With


Being someone who works in the field of data visualization, I have seen my colleagues have 'the talk' with customers about data preparation all too often. It's a common pain point for anyone who needs a layer of analytics and visualizations for the data they’ve accumulated. It’s perfectly normal to arrive at this stage only to notice that data is distributed across different places, they don’t match in some cases, and overall look messy. 

Luckily, there are plenty of tools to help unify and clean data in a meaningful way. In this article, I've decided to demonstrate how such a tool would work together with a data visualization tool. I've decided to use (get a free trial) as my data visualization technology, and (get a free trial) as our data modeling tool.

Data Analytics and Visualization Dashboard Development: Choosing the Right Metrics

In the world of the cut-throat competitive world, businesses that have discovered the mantra of effective information and data management will only prosper. Though the job is wearisome, it is imperative, thanks to technology that reduces the complexities in information and data management by granting businesses a tool like a dashboard.

Dashboard, a product of high-end technology, helps businesses to gain an in-depth understanding of metrics and crucial information while leveraging the power of decision-making. The effective use of a data analytics and visualization dashboard has a certain impact on business productivity, ROI, and maximum use of in-hand data. However, this can only be accomplished if the at-service dashboard is purpose build and have the right metrics.

Think Beyond Cloud: Intelligent Edge Is the Future of Computing and AI

The average inference speed for cloud-based AI hovers around 1.5 seconds. The intelligence edge cuts it down sharply to 10-15 milliseconds. This drastic reduction in latency alone makes a number of futuristic technologies – such as autonomous vehicles – possible.

The advent of cloud computing set off a colossal centralization fever that has caught almost every business that understands the importance of a digital-first business strategy. Even the world’s governments and public sector organizations are leveraging the advantages offered by cloud computing. Easy access to data, powerful analytical tools, and improved business agility have enabled organizations to make more “intelligent” and informed decisions than ever before.