Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: Hidden Potential and Challenges

Data is a business gold mine for organizations, yet many companies struggle to unlock its complete potential. Through data, organizations can gain a better understanding of their operations and customers. Acting on the data to make informed business decisions is not necessarily a straightforward process. A data-driven organization can glean deep insights from data to update internal processes and respond directly to market feedback and improve their customer relationships. A data-driven organization can also leverage data to identify to create value for their consumers.

Statista predicts that by 2022, the big data and analytics market will reach 274 billion dollars. Organizations are playing a vital role in the exponential growth of data by utilizing Big Data technologies for analytics to become data-driven. In this article, we will explore how organizations can benefit from data and what challenges they face in the process. 

Concise Guide to Data Migration

Migrating data is a challenging but very important process: it’s a fundamental component of upgrading or consolidating servers, conducting server maintenance, relocating data to a data center, adding data-intensive apps like data lakes and warehouses, among other important processes.  

Because of the complexity of data migration and risks associated with it, such as costly downtime or corrupted or lost data, understanding the process and having a solid data migration implementation plan is critical. 

Geospatial Data Analysis in Angular

Immersive experience has tapped into data analysis with a dazzling array of visualization techniques. The evolution of visualization-based data analysis influences business and sets apart from the competition since it can help provide the desired user experience. Users prefer data storytelling and demand data visualization beyond reports and dashboards. IT teams add visualization features to enable and standardize data visualization as it is a powerful mode for displaying the metrics.

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