The Top 4 Benefits of Embedded Analytics

You have probably heard about embedded analytics and the booming demand for business intelligence insights that are derived from it. But what exactly is embedded analytics?

Embedded analytics brings real-time, interactive data visualizations, and business intelligence capabilities directly into commercial applications – creating contextual data that improves the usability of data for business users.

How To Display a Metric on a Graphite Dashboard


Graphite is a free and open-source software. It is used as a time-series database monitoring tool, where you can collect, store and display time-series data in real-time. As you can monitor certain metrics of this data using Graphite, it has a very useful and simple dashboard used to visualize these metrics.

This article will show you how to display a metric on your Graphite dashboard.

The Demise of the Dashboard: Embracing AI for IT Monitoring

The Demise of the Dashboard

When it comes to IT monitoring, dashboards have seen better days. While it’s true that they provide important, up-to-the-minute views of key organizational metrics, the apparent detail they provide also obscures some important blind spots.

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How Your Organization Can Outgrow Dashboards

Dashboards typically only show historical data, usually the time series as it’s been received over the last few hours, days, or weeks. Data analytics can make real-time forecasts and even decision support, something traditional dashboards don’t offer.

A Day On-Call in A DevOps Team

It is morning. You are at your workplace and your on-call shift has just begun. The chatbot helpfully posts this information in the team channel, including the time when the shift ends and noting the next engineer to take it over from you.

You take a look at the monitoring dashboards. There are no ongoing incidents. There are no alarms firing. The application has served over 120,000 users in the last 24 hours. 0.09% of user interactions have ended in failure, and over 6% of user engagement time was wasted waiting for stuff to load. That's above normal, but the issue was already dealt with yesterday. Apparently, queries to a shared MySQL database became slow due to an ongoing table optimization. A few even timed out. Ironically, the maintenance was meant to make queries faster.

Why You Want Easy-to-Setup Grafana Dashboards

The list of reasons to adopt Grafana dashboards is long.

Among other things, Grafana dashboards are excellent tools for gaining insight into time-series data. In addition, Grafana readily integrates with InfluxDB and Telegraf to make monitoring of sensor, system and network metrics much easier and far more insightful.