Build Live Video Mobile Apps With Flutter

Many cameras can stream video using Motion JPEG. This is a stream of JPEG images that can be displayed in sequence to form a video. Many IP cameras use a GET HTTP request to an IP address. The camera I am using in this example is a RICOH THETA 360° camera that requires a POST command. More information on how this particular camera handles MotionJPEG is available in the community. Regardless of whether you use an HTTP GET or a POST request to start the motionJPEG stream, the processing is the same.

Motion JPEG Resolution and Framerate

Motion JPEG sends a stream of JPEG images at a specified resolution and framerate. Changing the resolution and framerate affects both the data transmission requirements and the latency.

Announcing Codepen Support For Flutter: How That Works For Developers?

What to expect when the front end development playground meets the best app development framework?

If you are a coder or a developer, then you would have already encountered inspirational issues. CodePen has been for the developers or designers what Dribble is. When developers run out of feature ideas, they go to CodePen. But, when CodePen announced support for Flutter, things got interesting!

Top 6 New Programming Languages Born in the Last Decade

When it comes to programming languages, progress does not standstill. While the most influential ones like Python, C, Java were created a long time ago, new valuable coding languages appear all the time. In many use cases, it is the new programming language that is driving innovations and helps build truly amazing software. Let’s look at the most promising ones that were born in the last decade.

What Is Rust Programming Language?

Rust is a system programming language, created by Mozilla, which was announced in 2010. Rust is positioned as an incredibly fast language, that prevents memory violations and guarantees thread safety. Rust is syntactically similar to C ++ and in terms of speed, it can be compared to C or C ++. This means that the applications written in Rust can be just as fast as those written in C or C ++ and faster than those written in other dynamic languages. 

Platform Channel in Flutter — Benefits and Limitations

One of the biggest challenges for mobile cross-platform frameworks is how to achieve native performance and how to help developers create different kinds of features for different devices and platforms with as little effort as possible. In doing so, we need to keep in mind that UX should remain the same but with unique components that are specific for each particular platform (Android and iOS).

Although cross-platform frameworks (in most of these cases) can resolve platform-specific tasks, there is a certain number of tasks which, with custom platform-specific code, can be achieved only through native. The question is, how can those frameworks establish communication between the specific platform and application? The best example is the Flutter's Platform Channel.