Library testing on Windows 10 Edge browser

Hi DW.

Can someone with Windows 10 help me out by testing my library on Edge browser and open the developers console and see if there are any errors that are causing the library not to work on Edge browser.

The library is

This should encrypt your password on the fly when you have entered it or when you have set your browser to remember it.

First try it on Firefox so you see how it should work, it work perfectly on Firefox but not on Edge.

Connecting with Members

I just got a PM from a user who said "Hello! I'm <username>. Nice to meet you! Let's connect." What I know about this user is precisely zero. Before I respond to a "let's connect" request I'd like to know a little bit about this user. In the old Daniweb I would just go o that user's profile page and read whatever he/she had decided to share. How do I do that now? And if I can't do that, what incentive do I have to respond?

Login Problems (aftermath)

As I understand it, there were problems on Sunday (Feb 24) which caused problems logging in. Daniweb would not accept my password (or so it said). Normally when I go to login I get presented with the login page with my userID (reverend Jim) and password already filled in. Now I was getting the login page with my email address instead of my userID. Manually entering my userID and password resulted in an indication that my password was incorrect. I clicked on the "Reset Password" which is supposed to send a reset email to a given address (which I entered). No reset email was sent. I repeated this procedure several times with no email resulting.

So after complaining to several people (it's my nature) I decided to try a little test.

  1. Login using my google ID (this worked)
  2. Post a new thread (then delete it)
  3. Logout
  4. Login as Reverend Jim (surprisingly this worked)

So it seemed that everything was working. I can only assume (out of total ignorance because web programming is not in my skill set) that the problem was in my cache.

But it seems there may still be something amiss because it is now two days later and I just got one of several DaniWeb Password Reset emails. The date stamp on the email says 2019-02-25 15:32 but it just came in today at 10:12 am (CST). Other emails are arriving in a timely fashion so I don't know what is happening with DaniWeb emails.

DaniWeb Hall of Fame

OK, so we are thinking about bringing back the 'Member of the Month' feature in the monthly newsletter that goes out to all DaniWeb members. This was a staple in the DaniWeb Digest for many years, coming to an end at the start of 2016. The hall of fame was, aptly, entirely virtual but the kudos of being included as real as it gets.

Three questions then:

  1. Would you read the Member of the Month interview if it was brought back?

  2. Would you be interested in being interviewed, or want to nominate another member for the interview?

  3. What one question would you most like to ask other DaniWeb members being interviewed?

Homepage content

I know a lot of the regulars and moderators are unhappy with the content currently on the homepage. In actuality, the homepage is designed to be an overview of what DaniWeb has to offer for newbies, while catering to more active DaniWeb members by only showing articles that are in the user's areas of interest, and have new content since they've been last viewed. The reason that regulars tend to be unhappy is because they visit DaniWeb so often, there isn't enough fresh content for the homepage to show. The Latest Posts button offers a stream of all the latest content that's been posted.

All that being said, I'd like to open this thread up to anyone who has ended up at an article they think should have been on the homepage, but wasn't. In other words, if the homepage isn't showing you the content you want to see, let me know by telling me what content you would have wanted to be on the homepage, but wasn't.

Note the homepage, by design, will always only link to the first post of a thread. This is by design, and is not subject to change anytime soon.

How to find articles written by a member starting at chat.

Backstory. A member messaged me about a moderator action so I wanted to see their discussions. How to find their discussions looked elusive.

Here's how to get to their discussions. Click on their avator to get their Dazah page and information then click on Member Stats to see their discussions.

Now you know.

Who wrote that? Really odd forum post format to me.

Comparing a discussion with the home page. When I see the Home Page, top and center of each card is the member who did something such as Viewed, Gave Reputation, Endorsed and so on.

Now you head to a discussion and who wrote this? Example at
The author is nowhere in sight. I could be wrong but I could not find the post's author. Replies are formatted well so you know who replied and when, but something is truly strange with the original post there.

Reviews are slightly better like but if a post's author is going to swap from bottom to top at least it should show ih the google map discussion.

Should the author/poster show in the google map discussion?
I'm also guessing Unhnd_Exception is a non-member character (NPC).

Android issues with hamburger menu and buttons

On my android device I get no dropdown menu at all from the hamburger. Chat and profile image on the titlebar work fine as does the main dw logo.

Also while creating this post. The continue button on the first screen (deciding forum and thread type) was unresponsive. As does Continue to last step button. I have to click on the progress titles at the top to go on

Profile pic update

Have been trying to change my profile pic via the community profile update avatar option. I keep getting told that 'The image you are attempting to upload doesn't fit into the allowed dimensions.' However, there is no clue as to what the allowed dimesions might be. The one I'm trying to upload has been sized down to 490x653 (171kb) and I can't recall what the limits previously were, will keep trying smaller and smaller - but thought it might be an idea to flag the max size in the error message that is thrown up.

My DaniWeb home page is like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

I've noted how the home page seems sparse but why is that lone upvote there at all? It's not that interesting and there's no way to dismiss it or fill the page with what I choose.
See attached screen. NOPE. The image upload looks broken. I'll try Imgur and it's markdown.

No other forum leaves this so barren. I was hoping to see it flourish over time. Or see controls, options to have it be a place to go often.

And when there are items besides this, they seem to be random in size and match as to my interests. It's such a mismatch that I've not getting the point at all about that page.
BTW, coughs up the Oops! page.

I don't see the Imgur markdown working either. Here's a link.

Found a New Bug

When I leave a comment (vote with comment ) under someone post , it will increase 2 points for vote up and 0 point for vote down. After I leave the comment and click the vote up button, the user earn 2 points. But after I vote down again, the comment get removed but the user still earning 2 points. The two points should be deducted too, no ?


Comment voting and edit

I see a +0 next to post comments. Thought this was supposed to be votable. Nothing happens on tapping. BTW on Android. Also when I entered a comment and then decided to edit it, the original text did not show up in the edit box. So made me think I wS posting a new additional comment. Meaning I lost it and had to enter a comment for the third time!

Also why does edit post appear as an option when I clearly don't have the right to alter somebody else's post?