5 Effective Methods of Ensuring Cyber Security While Using Cloud Computing


Do you know that at this present age, an average person utilizes almost 36 cloud-based services each day? Also, Cloud data centers process nearly 94% of the total workload in 2021. 

A buzzword in the field of information technology was on the tip of the tongue of every living being a decade ago. The topic of discussion for everyone was “the cloud.” People were curious to know what exactly that thing is? Is that different from the internet? Is it safe to use? It is understandable that some of those questions might sound funny in this age, but the reality check is that’s exactly what people used to think years ago.

The Death of Passwords

The Problem With Passwords

If you’ve been paying attention to cybersecurity trends over the last few years, you’ll already know that security problems are frequently found “between chair and keyboard” (often shortened to PEBCAK in IT circles). The dangers of bad password hygiene are better known by “average” users than ever, with 81 percent of company data breaches caused by poor passwords.

At the same time, technology is reaching further into the corners of our lives, both at work and at home. Because password technology puts the onus on individuals to safely and securely manage their own access methods, users are increasingly put in positions where they’re responsible for security problems.