Ransomware as a Service: The Trending Business Model for Attacks

Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) is the new and trending business model for ransomware attacks. It’s a decentralized and mostly automated mode of distribution to support the fast-growing demands of ransomware operators.

Currently, the attackers behind ransomware campaigns are constantly looking for ways to maximize profit (and minimize the effort). The RaaS framework can be used by anyone, even without any coding skills, as it provides essential tools to implement encryption and communication with command-and-control servers quickly.

5 Threat Intelligence Trends

We’re living in a world where technology advances at a breathtaking pace, and cybercriminals are always looking for the latest ways to target organizations and individuals alike. In such a turbulent digital transformation, security experts need to keep up with the latest trends and address the latest potential threats in innovative ways.

The world of cyber security is an incredibly fast-moving sector, with both security providers and hackers trying to constantly outsmart each other. Simply put, it’s a constant cycle of coming up with new attack strategies and threats while trying to find new and innovative ways to combat them or eradicate them before they gain more ground.

4 Challenges of Using Anonymous User Data for UEBA

User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) tools support a cybersecurity strategy by looking for anomalies. These tools establish a baseline usage for users, devices, and networks, then flag cybersecurity teams about significant deviations from those norms. People are highly interested in how user behavior analytics could cut cyberattack risks. One market analysis showed that the UEBA sector was worth $1.2 billion in 2022. However, researchers believe it will get to $4.2 billion by 2026.

However, the push towards anonymizing user data for the sake of privacy could hinder that growth. User and entity behavior analytics work best when decision-makers at the companies using the technology can narrow down potential problems. Anonymous UEBA data would limit the trends it's possible to pinpoint. Here's a closer look at why anonymized information is not a good fit for UEBA platforms.

How Cyber Resilience Reshapes Cybersecurity?

Cybercrimes are growing swiftly in the world of digitalization in both senses; complexity and rate of recurrence. In the idea of being resilient in an impulsive environment, an organization’s cyber security has to be updated with the latest technologies to protect IT Assets and Infrastructure setup. The old school security methodologies cannot be an answer for new-age sophisticated cybercrimes. The organization having a robust cybersecurity resilience strategy in place is a must that enables the continuity of business processes in all situations (before, during, and after a cybersecurity incident).

As per the research conducted by Cybersecurity Ventures in 2021, there will be one company that falls victim to a ransomware attack every 11 seconds. 

Checklist for Thinking About Cybersecurity in Connected Vehicles

A comprehensive approach to security is essential for the protection of connected vehicle systems. This article presents a set of security recommendations based on analyzing security risks for each step in developing and deploying AI and other connectivity systems in autonomous vehicles.

The recommendations are intended to be used as a roadmap by vehicle manufacturers, system integrators, suppliers, and other stakeholders to ensure that an end-to-end approach to security is applied throughout the lifecycle of AI components.

API Security Issue 155

This week, we have a vulnerability in the BrewDog mobile app exposing users’ PII courtesy of hard-coded bearer tokens, Cisco has announced the arrival of their APIClarity at KubeCon 2021, F5 has published a report on API attacks in Open Banking, and finally, there’s a mega-guide on API security best practices.

Vulnerability: Hard-Coded API Bearer Token in Brewdog Mobile App

Common Security Lapses That Empower Cybercriminals

Over the past 12 months, the number of successful ransomware attacks has increased alarmingly. Many attacks have been headline news due to the disruption they have caused and the high cost of remediation.

The healthcare industry in the United States has been targeted, with the attacks disrupting patient care and putting patient safety at risk. Recently there was an attack on Colonial Pipeline that resulted in the shutdown of the main fuel pipeline serving the East Coast of the United States, while JBS suffered an attack that threatened food production at its U.S. plants. 

Dodge Adversarial AI Attacks Before It’s Too Late!


In this tech-oriented world where a number of hackers and technological advancements are emerging in parallel to each other, artificial intelligence has made big strides recently in understanding languages. Contrary to this, artificial intelligence can still suffer from potentially dangerous and alarming sorts of algorithmic insight. Research depicts how AI algorithms that parse and analyze algorithms can be tricked and deceived by precisely crafted phrases. A sentence that might seem appropriate to you may have the strange ability to dodge the AI algorithm. 

It is estimated by the expert community that by the year 2040, artificial intelligence will reach the capability to perform all the intellectual functions of human beings. This might seem frightening but with the few techniques outlined in this teachable, you will radically grow your possibilities of survival when encountering artificial intelligence. 

9 Software Development Mistakes Leading to Cyber Attacks

 Developers are at the base of any software, and from the very early stages, they have to think not only about the performance and effectiveness of the product but also about its security.

However, few programmers follow methods of writing secure code or aspects of cryptography. Keeping cybersecurity techniques and potential vulnerabilities constantly in mind is a daunting task, especially for a beginner.

The Biggest Endpoint Security and Deception Software Trends

Technological advances in interconnected devices are pushing companies to operate more efficiently and are making global cyber threats increasingly prevalent. As technology advances, companies should ensure they have a complete suite of cybersecurity products that includes proper honeypot security, endpoint security, malware prevention technology, and more. Here are some cybersecurity trends that will help enterprises better protect their systems in the months and years to come.

Vendor Reduction

On average, it takes over 250 days to identify and stop a network breach. The average cost of security breaches in the United States was $8.19 million in 2019 and this cost increases each year. In 2021, it’s estimated that cybercrime will globally cost enterprises at least $6 trillion in damages.

Latest Cyber Security Trends: 2020 in Review

The past decade has seen many advances, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and many more. These technologies provide many advantages, but also with distinct disadvantages. Perhaps the most critical disadvantage is the increasing amount of cyber threats. This article provides a brief overview of critical cybersecurity threats to watch out for during 2020, alongside the cybersecurity trends rising to prominence.

Trending Cybersecurity Threats

As technologies change, cybercriminals continue to develop innovative methods to exploit vulnerabilities and bypass security protections. To keep your systems and data secure, you need first to understand what the most common threats are.

In-Depth Understanding of Privilege Escalation Attacks

Privilege Escalation: What is it?

Privilege escalation takes place whenever a cyber-attacker deploys a bug, design flaw, or any form of a configuration error in an application or operating system for gaining elevated and direct access to the resources that are usually not available to a user. The attacker now uses the earned privileges for stealing confidential data and deploy malware with the intent of damaging the OS, server applications, and ultimately, the reputation of an organization. This type of attack on organizational data can be carried out even by an unsophisticated hacker for gaining the escalate privileges, the reason being most of the business organizations don’t use sufficient security measures and controls.

Types of Privilege Escalation

Following are the two types of privilege escalation attacks:

COVID-19 Creates Fresh Cyber Security Challenges as Employees Work From Home

The Threat

The recent surge in Work-From-Home, triggered by the COVID-19 crisis, is here to stay and the first sign of it is that "WFH" has been added to the alphabet soup of jargons crowding the technology industry. WFH, however, has also created a fresh set of challenges for organizations to protect their intellectual assets from cyberattacks. It’s a no-brainer to say that our home networks are far more vulnerable than enterprise networks. Companies are leveraging this crisis to meet immediate needs as well as for building more lasting, longer-term access to a variety of resources in the cloud as well as in the enterprise data center.

As the world logs on to enterprise networks from home, the demand for more secure remote access for employees is at an all-time high. Organizations must prepare for possible cyberattacks on our home IT networks to exploit its vulnerabilities. They need to monitor IT use for signs of malicious behaviour, safeguard sensitive data and assure maximum compliance with privacy and regulatory requirements. Also, the extensive use of cloud services necessitated by the COVID-19 crisis, both on-premise and public, will compel enterprises to reassess this ecosystem and take additional steps to protect it.

Cyber Insurance in 2020

Cyber insurance has emerged as a response to the rapidly increasing cyber-attacks across the world and the extent of damage these attacks cause to businesses. Recent trends indicate there is a continual rise of cybersecurity attacks that leverage vulnerabilities of businesses to launch cyber attacks. Data breaches exposed around 4.1 billion records in the first half of 2019. 

Companies are now proactively managing their cybersecurity risks by early identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities. However, it’s impossible to completely secure your business from cyber threats and attacks. There’s only so much you can do, from resource allotment to hiring skilled professionals. 

8 Steps to Keep Remote Development Teams Secure

There is no doubt that the world's workforce is becoming more remote, particularly in tech as developers can now work from any location in the world. But there are a large number of new obstacles that come with this. The most pressing is security.

Take the current COVID-19 health crisis. From one day to the next, countries are going into quarantine and forcing companies and developers into working remotely. I for one am writing this from my home office in Paris, sipping filter coffee while looking onto the empty streets in a complete lock-down that started last week (April 2020).

The Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Adoption of the IoT by businesses and enterprises has made mobile banking, online shopping, and social networking possible. While it has opened up a lot of opportunities for us, its not altogether a safe place because its anonymity also harbors cybercriminals. So, to protect yourself against the cyber threats of today, you must have a solid understanding of cybersecurity. This article will help you get a grip on cybersecurity fundamentals.

Let’s take a look at the topics covered in this cybersecurity fundamentals article:

Don’t Make a Hash of Analysis, Go Fuzzy

Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts spend a lot of their time and effort trying to identify if a document has changed, possibly signifying it has been compromised. The leading method of doing so involves using a hashing algorithm.

Using hash we can tell if there has been even the slightest change to a document. But what happens when the change is insignificant or our purpose is to locate similar files that don’t have the exact same hash?