Leveraging Gamification in your Mobile App for Superior User Experience: Top Tips

In general, video games are considered to be dopamine-releasing products. When you're happy or excited, the chemical is released into your system. To make a non-gaming app more enticing to users, you must provide them with a cause to return and compete with one another regularly. Therefore, it is safe to assume that incorporating this experience into any of your applications makes them more joyful for your customers to use.

Having to rewrite your website or app is the least appealing aspect of this solution. The addition of gamification to your program does nothing to improve its performance; rather, it just enriches the user experience by making it more entertaining and rewarding for the user. The inclusion of gamification elements directly influences the number of downloads of an app. 

Why Software Testing is Necessary for Delivering Superior Customer Experiences

Isn't this how you want your customers to view your software?

Since attending Forrester's CX SF conference, I’ve been reflecting lately upon the relationship between software quality and the customer experience for brands that are seeking to innovate and stand out in a sea of growing competition.

One recent experience of mine really highlighted this for me; I recently moved to Berkeley, so I’m still buying some furniture and other items for my home. I was about to complete an online order from a very famous store that included more than 20 items in my cart. All went well until I hit the “place order” button. After I had already finished the transaction, I was notified that some things were out of stock, others were discontinued, etc. This seems like an operational problem, but from my perspective, it’s also a software problem; the site didn’t alert me about these different issues, which caused this part of the process to ruin my experience. Then, I had to call customer service, spend an hour on the phone, follow a lengthy process to get my refund, and so on. In the end, I had undergone stress, frustration, and disappointment.