User-Centric API Metrics vs Infrastructure Metrics: Choose the Right Analytics Architecture and Data Store

Looking to build an analytics system? This post covers storing time-based metrics vs user-centric metrics.

In just a few short years, data-driven teams went from not enough data to drowning in a sea of metrics. Every action, reaction, and result can now be tracked, processed, and analyzed. However, a key question we’ve received is which metrics are important and which analytics architecture and data store is best suited for a particular analytics requirement.

API Management vs API Gateway: Where Does API Analytics and Monitoring Fit?

For the last few years, there has been an explosion of API-powered businesses. There are revenue-generating APIs, developer platforms, partner marketplaces, and even internal APIs powering single-page apps.

With this explosion, there has also been a large increase in API tooling to help these companies go to market with their API platforms as quickly as possible and out-innovate any competition. Much of this increase in tooling mirrors what we saw in the mobile era. However, with this explosion, there is now an increase in the number of tools and solutions to build and grow APIs and platforms.

When to Build vs Buy an API Analytics Solution

Purchasing a new enterprise analytics solution can be a great experience if you’ve never purchased software before, yet it can be a daunting task. There can be a variety of analytics vendors with overlapping features for a use case yet each has its strengths and weaknesses. As an alternative to purchasing ready-made SaaS, you can also build your own in-house API analytics infrastructure on top of open-source software like Spark, Druid, and Elasticsearch. This article digs into when it makes sense to build vs buy ready-made analytics solution and provide a point-based framework for evaluating API analytics solutions and perform the proper diligence.

The first decision a company should make is whether they want to build the infrastructure or purchase a ready-made solution. There are benefits and risks to both. In general, purchasing shortens the delivery of a well-polished analytics solution with lower cost in time and money compared to homegrown, but a homegrown gives you greater control over what is tracked and presented.

Mastering API Analytics for API Programs: Cohort Retention Analysis

There are few metrics more critical than retention for a platform business. If you’re acquiring customers for $25, but they stop using your API after a month, then you have a leaky boat. Don’t spend more money on developer acquisition until retention is fixed. This requires accurate measurement of API retention.

If you came from a web or mobile product background, you may already be familiar with mobile retention to measure how many acquired users keep using a mobile app. Growing a B2B platform requires tracking similar KPIs to measure the success of your acquisition and product strategies. This article will dig into the best practices for tracking and increasing API retention.

13 API Metrics That Every Platform Team Should Be Tracking

A list of the most important API metrics every API product manager and engineer should know, especially when you are looking into API analytics and reporting.

API analytics

Identifying Key API Metrics

Each team needs to track different  KPIs  when it comes to APIs. The API metrics important to infrastructure teams will be different than what API metrics are important to API product or API platform teams. Metrics can also be dependent on where the API is in the product lifecycle.

An API recently launched will focus more on improving design and usage while sacrificing reliability and backward compatibility. A team that maintains an API that’s been widely adopted by enterprise teams may focus more on driving additional feature adoption per account and give precedence to reliability and backward compatibility over design.

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UX and Agile: A Match Made in Heaven for Software Users

If you really want to create the most value for your customer, you can't skimp on UX design.

We’ve all probably experienced it. We have this great project, we have this great interface, and suddenly UX (User Experience) comes in and points out all these flaws and stops things, making us scramble to catch up.

If you’ve had this happen, you know that the goal of a great interface, put out on time, isn’t met. So how can we change this?